A Life Like This

It took a lot of coffee and soda to update this, but i did. i know it's long, but you gotta read it to build up to the suspense. I acutally wanted them to be longer, but because I am restricted within ratings, a lot was cut out. it didn't seem to 'Alias like' anyways.

Because I haven't updated that much...here are three chapters. There are approx. two chapters left. Pay attention to last paragraph in the first chapter cuz that'll come in handy as a spoiler


Chapter 24 : Julian's Secret

After putting all their heads together to come up with a good and solid plan to stop Irina, Sydney and the others had gone to pack their things, getting ready to board the plane heading for the Cayman Islands. Sydney finished packing her things and dropped her bag on the staircase. She didn’t know how long they’d be gone for, or what they might be dealing with, so Sydney decided some extra clothes and nice weapons would be enough for her. As Sydney shut off the light in her bedroom and walked over to the doorway, she bent down to pick up the suit case and an envelope fell out of her pocket. Sydney sighed and picked up the paper, and looked at it curiously.

“What’s that?” she heard.

Sydney gasped and took a few steps back, startled. “Jesus, Julian. You have got to stop doing that!”

Julian smiled and shrugged. “Sorry.”

Sydney glanced at the envelope once more and tucked it back in her pocket. “I don’t know what it is.”

“Aren’t you going to open it?”

Sydney shook her head. “No.” Sydney grabbed her keys off the counter then turned to Julian suddenly. “By the way, the next time you pull a stunt like you did today, I will not be coming back to save your ass.”

Julian flushed a bit and sighed. “I am sorry. But you know what would have happened if your boyfriend Michael found out.”

“I wasn’t talking about Michael,” Sydney replied dryly. “I was talking about following Irina like that. You have gotten hurt or killed.”

Julian shrugged it off and picked up Sydney’s bag. “Well…they believed I was missing…didn’t they?”

“To confirm the information we got on my mother…yes. You were lucky, Julian.”

Julian sighed. “Look…if they knew how I got it, then they wouldn’t just lock me up…but you as well. I was protecting you. No one can ever know that I was Convenant”

Sydney nodded. “I know that. But, now that we have a fresh start after this, I don’t want anything to ruin it. Including lying to Michael.”

Julian rolled his eyes and walked out the house. Smiling at the thought of Michael, Sydney did the same.

Sydney looked over Michael’s shoulder as he was playing around with a gadget. “What is it?” she asked.

Michael shrugged. “No idea. It’s one of Marshall’s things.”

“Huh,” Sydney said, sitting back down next to Michael on the plane. “Then I guess we’ll never know.”

Julian cracked a smile as he took off his jacket to put on his vest.

“Okay,” Michael said, putting Marshall’s device away. “Let’s review our mission. When we land, Julian will go after the device, while Sydney and I go and get Irina.”

Sydney shook her head. “I don’t like that.”

“Why not?” Julian asked.

“Because, Marshall said that the machine is complex. What if it takes two people to disarm it?”

“Well, then I’ll go,” Nadia spoke up.

Sydney shook her head once more. “No.”

“She’s right,” Michael said. “You have to stay here and be our eyes and ears in case things go south.”

“I think Sydney’s right,” Julian said.

“What?” Michael snapped.

“It might take two people,” Julian clarified. “You and I should go,” he told Michael, “And Sydney and Nadia should go after Irina.”

Michael looked at Sydney, and then finally nodded. “Okay,” he agreed.

Sydney nodded back. “Okay, then. It’s settled.”

Michael cleared his throat. “Actually.” Sydney looked at Michael, intrigued while Michael dug his hand in his pocket and pulled out a small case, handing it to Sydney.

“What’s this?”

Slowly, Michael opened the case to reveal a gold ring. Gasping, Sydney looked at it amazed.

“Here.” Michael took it out and slipped it on her finger as Julian watched, rolling his eyes. “This is here,” Michael showed her, “Is a symbol for my love for you. It ensures that no matter what, we will always be together.”

Sydney smiled as she held up her finger and studied the gold ring with the green stone inside. Smiling, she kissed Michael. “I love you,” she whispered in his ear.


Chapter 25 : Zombies

Sydney had never been so terrified in her life. From the moment that their feet touched the ground of the Cayman Islands, she had the emotion of fear. But it wasn’t because of the immediate danger around her. It was for the unknown. Sydney had no idea what she was stepping into, she didn’t know what to expect. The streets were empty. Cars that were crashed into one another lay abandoned. Sydney and the others were careful to watch their steps as they step-sided around the dead bodies of poor victims. Sydney stopped and looked around at the wreckage. Alarms were heard in the distance over the dog’s warning barks, as it seemed to Sydney that the dark night sky was turning even darker, hiding the evidence of stars in the twilight. The air smelled of blood, human waste and burnt flesh, so much so, that Sydney had to stop herself from losing her dinner and passing out.

“What the hell happened here?” Michael questioned.

Nadia bent down to examine one of the dead corpses. Running her protected fingers along the torn flesh, she sighed deeply. “It looks like this person was attacked.”

“By who,” Julian asked. “I don’t believe there is a single animal on an island like this that could do something like this,” he nodded towards the wreckage.

Nadia looked up at Julian and shook her head. “No, it wasn’t an animal.” She looked back down at the body and pointed at the arm. “These teeth marks here are human.”

“Wait a minute,” Michael jumped in. “You’re telling us that humans attacked humans?”

Nadia nodded. “Zombies.”

“Christ,” Julian muttered. “I told you didn’t I?”

“Julian’s right,” Sydney suddenly said. “Marshall told us this could happen if what Anna told us was true.”

Before anyone could respond, they heard a loud growl behind them. Together, all as one, they brought there guns up to the intruder. Sydney gasped in utter shock as she stared at sereveral zombie's approaching them. "Okay," she gulped, "They're not fast, we could make a run for it."

"Or shoot them," Julian suggested.

"They're humans Julian!"

"Not anymore they're not," he pressed. With one motion, he began to fire his gun, knocking the first few zombies down. Sydney, Michael and Nadia soon followed suit as the zombies advanced. Sydney and the team slowly backed up as it began to prove impossible for them to kill all the zombies approaching them. Julian looked back behind them hearing more rustling.

"felgercarb," he yelled, loud enough to were Michael and Sydney looked back, masking his face of defeat. "There's more of 'em," he said.

"Here," Michael grunted as he pulled out a grenade.

"Michael," Sydney began.

"Find cover."

Julian looked around, and grabbed Nadia and Sydney while Michael unhooked the clip and sat the grenade down. He took cover behind a truck with Julian and the others as the bomb went off, ripping the zombies limbs apart and successfully killing them.

“She poisoned the water supply,” Michael said after a moment. Nadia and Julian nodded in agreement.

Sydney sighed. “If we take out this machine, hopefully it’ll reverse the effects of those who survived.”

Sydney turned to Julian. “Put in a call to Jack and Eric and tell them to pick up any survivors.”

“How will they know who is infected and who isn’t?” Julian asked.

Sydney shrugged. “Simple. The ones who attack them are infected.”

“Ok,” Michael said. “That’s one problem solved, but we still have another. “How do we find Irina?”

“I don’t think we’ll have to look very far,” Nadia whispered loud enough for all to hear her.

Curious, Julian, Michael and Sydney all followed Nadia’s gaze ahead and all looked at it in shock…all with different mixed emotions. Of fear, disbelief, and a tinge of excitement each questioning their involvement in this apocalyptic event. After the moment of stunned silence, Sydney inhaled deeply, and cocked her gun. “Okay then,” she breathed. “Let’s do it.”

Without a word, her and her team moved forward towards the big red energy ball that hovered over the island. Towards Irina. Towards their destiny. Towards death.


Chapter 26 : The Letter

In the time it took to split up from Sydney and Nadia, and to finding the power outlet to the Rabamldi machine, Michael and Julian fought off close to twenty zombies just to get there. Michael wasn’t the least bit surprised that the power outlet was underneath the island. He thought perhaps that Irina never would have thought that they would have looked under the city. But as Julian had pointed out…it made the most the sense. Michael wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at what was in front of them. Complicated wiring hooked up on the islands main city outlet. Michael set his machine gun down and kneeled in front of the wires. Carefully looking at them, between the green, blue, white, red, black and yellow wires, he cut the green, blue and black, and sighed slowly when the lights didn’t go out.
“Hurry up,” Julian urged him.

Michael looked at Julian angrily. “You know, if you were actually at the meeting, you could be of some help.”
“I was missing, remember?”

Michael scoffed. “Yeah right,” he muttered.

Julian turned around to Michael. “What was that?”

“Can you just keep watch please?” Michael snapped. “I prefer to work without someone taking a chuck out of my arm.”


The second Sydney stepped into the building, she suddenly felt cold. It was as if the air shifted and the moment she walked into the building, so clear and so sure, now she wasn’t. All the confidence that was once in her was replaced by doubt. Nadia stepped forward and laid her hand in Sydney’s shoulder, giving her strength and assurance. Sydney smiled at her, and walked further into the building.

From up above, watching Sydney and Nadia, Irina smiled


Michael grunted struggling to pull down the lever, without success. “Dammit.”

“What?” Julian asked, walking up to him.

“It’s stuck,” Michael answered. “Wielded shut.”

Julian put down his gun and walked in front of Julian, straining as well to pull it down.

Michael rolled his eyes. “It’s not going to work. It’s probably been this way for years.”

Julian sighed, giving up and picked up his weapon. “Okay then. We have to find another way to shut it down.”

“Destroy it,” Michael said simply.

“If it were that easy,” Julian said. “Don’t you think we would have just done that to begin with?”

Michael raised his eyebrow.


As Sydney and Nadia entered the city hall of the island, Sydney came to halt, stopping Nadia as well. Sydney’s eyes narrowed at her mother standing directly in front of the machine holding the huge red ball.
“So,” Irina began. “I assume you came to stop me?”

“It’s over,” Sydney said.

Irina smiled at them. “Ah. My two only daughters came to kill their mother.”

Nadia gasped and looked from Irina to Sydney and back. “Excuse me?” Sydney choked out.

Irina giggled like a little school girl. “Oh that’s right…Jack didn’t get the chance to tell you.”

“Dad knew?”

Irina shrugged. “Oh yes, I told him everything he wanted to know.” Sydney looked at Nadia then down at the ground digesting all the new news. “So I know that four of you landed on the Island,” Irina went on. “And since the two of you are here in front of me, I assume that Agent Vaughn and Sark are trying to diffuse the weapon.” Irina smiled at Sydney’s stern and determined look as Nadia tensed as several zombies smashed through glass. “Too bad it can’t be diffused.”

Sydney and Nadia slowly began to back away and raised their weapons at the zombies, unleashing hundreds of bullets in a fury. As their clips emptied and Irina watched the last zombie fall to the ground, she smiled at them. Sydney turned to Nadia. “You need to go and find Julian and Michael.”


Sydney shook her head sternly. “No listen. There has to be a way to shut her down. You need to find them and make sure they are okay, all right?”

Nadia reluctantly nodded and after looking at Sydney for awhile, turned and ran out praying that Sydney knew exactly what she was doing.

Sydney turned back towards her mother to find that she wasn’t there anymore. Sydney’s senses kicked into high gear as Sydney slowly walked further into the hall, her eyes looking all around her. Sydney felt a sharp pain in her head as an object hit her skull with such an impact, Sydney fell to her knees gasping for breath and holding her head, squinting. Blinking several times to clear her vision she heard a metal object hit the floor then someone grab her by her hair and throw her into the wall. Sydney painfully hit the floor after and forced herself back up to confront her mother once more. “You lied to me,” Sydney growled. “You almost killed me, and ruined my life.”

Irina looked at her daughter painfully. “It was just my job.”

“Having a daughter was your job?” Sydney shot back.

Irina shook her head. “No…that was just unfortunate.”

Sydney’s face fell. “Unfortunate,” she echoed.

“Sydney…do not try to understand something that you cannot. The truth takes time, and you are not ready to learn the truth.”

“I already know the truth,” Sydney informed her. “I know what you and Sloane were planning. I know all about Rabamldi and his ‘visions’. His prophecies and what part I played in them.”

Irina blinked. “How…?”

Sydney shrugged. “The letter,” was all she said.


Sloane sat at his desk and held his head in his hand while writing. ‘Sydney. If you are to receive this letter, it is because I either wished it, or I am dead. I never intended to harm you in anyway. You must know that. You were like a daughter to me, and I loved you as one. Rabamldi however; has become a fascination of mine. You my never fully understand, Sydney, what Rabamldi means and what he discovered. He discovered a means to no ends. Power and promise. A life no other can give, or take. Yes, Irina Derevko is your mother. And yes, SD-6 is a fugitive branch with no connection to the CIA. I never wanted you to become a part of this. The complicated situation though proved to be to difficult to cover up, so you had to learn the truth. And that is, you ARE the Chosen One. If you are to defeat us, the key is to destroy immortal fountain. Destroy the machine by killing the monster.’

Sloane slowly put down his pen and folded the letter up, shoving it in his pocket. He stood up slowly and looked out the window, his face the mask of pain and fear.


Irina shook her head. “Sloane was weak.”

“Sloane is a monster and a coward,” Sydney said. “But in the end, even he saw through you. He knew you would betray him.”

Irina nodded. “Of course I would have. So would he. Why share the power when I can have it all? Even now Sydney, you think you’ve won, but you haven’t.”

“No, you’re wrong…I have.”

Irina nodded. “Perhaps. But only at the expensive of your friends lives.”


“We have to find Sydney,” Michael muttered. "Where is the damn exit?"

“Aren’t you listening?” Julian snapped. “We need to get back to the plane. Sydney doesn’t want us to interfere. For all we know, she’s back at the plane.”

“Well, I’m not taking that chance. She needs to know that the ball is dangerous.”

“She knows that!”

Michael stopped walking and turned to Julian. “What?”

“I told Sydney, before we left,” Julian said. “She knows.”

Michael shook his head. “When we get back, you and I have to have a serious talk about when and where you see Sydney.”

“Guys!” They heard. Michael turned as Nadia ran up to them.

“Nadia,” Michael said. “Where’s Sydney?”

“In the City Hall with Irina and the machine,” Nadia answered. “We have to get to the plane…now.”

“But Sydney…”

“She’ll be fine,” Nadia assured him. “She said to get to the plane.”

Just as they began to walk towards the exit, Julian heard a soft beeping. “Hey,” he stopped the others. “Do you hear that?”

Meters away, a timer begins to count down with several barrels of C-4 next to it. Julian follows the sound and when he finds it, his eyes widened. “I don’t think we’re gonna make it to the plane.”

Michael and Nadia look over his shoulder and begin running just as the bomb goes off, collapsing the walls around them.
wow three updates in one!!!!!!

the drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


thankx fr the pm and updates

update soon plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!