Far Too Long

Weiss is right. Vaughn doesn't deserve her!!

But she loves him. I hope that Sydney will do thing that is best for her. And if she chooses Vaughn, she'll make it hard for him.
so, I'm back with this story, well more or less, I have an update at least :lol: Due to me only leaving tomorrow and not today for vacation, I was actually able to finish the next chapter. Next update could be when I get back in three weeks, but no promises. Anyway, I hope you're still reading and like this chapter ^_^ thanks for those who reviewed last chapter and are still sticking with me :hug:

Chapter 17

The first thing she noticed the next morning was the headache and hangover. Groaning, she turned in her bed, wishing she could sleep longer or even better, turn back time and not drink that much in the first place. The second thing she noticed was that she wasn’t alone in her bed and that was when she regretted last night even more.

What had she done? Didn’t she have enough problems to deal with already? But no, she had to go and make her life even more complicated. Sometimes, she was surprised by her own stupidity and recklessness. Sighing, she slowly moved and got out of the bed, careful not to wake up Scott. Right now, she didn’t feel like being able to deal with that now.

She had to think about what to do next and what she would say to him. And after all, did she even know herself what she wanted? All she knew was that she had to get out to be able to think for some time. For some very long time.

When she walked into her living room, she saw the red line on the answering machine blinking. Two new message. She could guess who it was without playing it. There was only one person possible. For a minute or two she contemplated whether she should listen to them but then decided against it. She didn’t need anymore confusion. She could still listen to them in a couple of hours. And if she was honest with herself, at the moment she didn’t really care what Michael had to tell her.

She quickly took and shower and got ready, trying to make as little noise as possible. Once she was done, she grabbed her stuff and left, leaving Scott a message that she had to leave for work and that he can get himself some breakfast in her kitchen. She left out any clue about whether he would see her later or whether she would call or expect a call.

Arriving at the hospital, she noticed that she was more than ten minutes late. She wondered where time went since she was sure she left more than on time at home. This whole thing seriously frustrated her. Not only was it always on her mind, it made her actually late for work and kept her preoccupied all the time, whether she wanted or not. It only proved that she definitely had to figure the situation out or else she would get crazy.

She sighed and slammed the locker door close, just a little too loud to not raise any suspicion from anyone around. It was clear that something was off about her. But the look she gave each and everyone who only looked as if they were about to ask shut them up.. And to her delight, they did leave her alone.

“Whoa, you clearly got up on the wrong side of the bed today,” And bam, her luck was gone. She sighed silently and then turned around, trying really hard not to roll her eyes. This was really not her day.

Not wanting to deal with her right now, she gave her a pressed smile, “Everything’s fine, I’m just a little tired.”

“What kept you up all night?” Nadia gave her a sly smile.

Sydney groaned, “Oh, please,” She grabbed her stethoscope to walk out but Nadia held her back.

“Seriously, Sydney, what’s wrong?” She asked, this time with a straight, serious face.

“Nothing, I’m fine,” Sydney replied, “Everything’s just perfect.” Her voice was soaked with bitterness and sarcasm but she couldn’t care less, “I have to go now.”

“Please talk to me, Sydney,” Nadia pleaded after her, watching her leave.

Sydney turned her head and only shook her head, “I don’t really feel talking, no offense.”

“How about after work?” Nadia suggested.

“Nadia,” Sydney sighed, “I don’t wanna talk, not now, not later, not at all. I need to figure this out by myself.”

With that Sydney placed her hand on the door knob and opened it. Nadia watched her walk out and wondered how she would get Sydney to talk to her. She could see that something was bothering Sydney very much and she didn’t want her friend to suffer. And clearly, the only thing that could help was Sydney talking about her problems so that they maybe could find a solution together.

At the end of her shift, Nadia managed to appear in the locker room just as Sydney was changing. Contemplating for a moment, she walked towards her and sat down on the bench next to were Sydney was standing.

“You know,” Nadia started slowly, carefully trying to choose her words right, “You don’t have to deal with that yourself. I’m your friend, let me help you.”

Sydney sighed quietly and sat down next to her, saying quietly, “I don’t know if you can really help me. I did something really stupid.”

“What happened?” Nadia asked and reached over, placed her hand over Sydney and squeezed it lightly as to assure her she would be there for her.

“I… last night…I, “ Sydney was stumbling over her words, nervously fumbling with her hands. She didn’t know how to say that, and she was afraid of Nadia’s reaction. What she had done was wrong, worse than wrong and she could imagine what Nadia would say.

“What happened last night? Did you and Michael…?” Nadia trailed off, letting Sydney finish the sentence on her own since they both knew what she was implying.

“No,” Sydney shook her head, “It’s actually worse, I’d say.”

Nadia stayed silent this time, just looking at Sydney patiently and giving her the time to continue. After what seemed like hours, Sydney cleared her throat and her gaze left Nadia, looking everywhere but her. She didn’t want to see her face when she told her.

Almost whispering she said, “I slept with Scott,”

please review ^_^

and now iam torn as to who i want syd to end up with
i know its gonna be vaughn but *bite lip* not so sure he deserves it
I never said she would actually end up with Michael lol where would be the fun if the outcome was already known? :angelic: only time will tell who she chooses... :P

pm list (want on/off?)


Nadia Weiss

Agent Bristow-Vaughn
Sara Solas
Almost whispering she said, “I slept with Scott,â€

And Nadia stood up and applauded loudly. I don't think Sydney should feel guilty. How can you cheat on a guy who isn't willing to commit? Scott is a great guy and has been a wonderful frined to Sydney, he deserves a break. Michael, on the otherhand, deserves a good kick in the ....

Thanks for the PM.

I'm still here Mary :smiley:

Well I knew that eventually Sydney would sleep with Scott. He's very nice up to now so if ever Sydney breaks his heart, I'll feel terrible sorry for him. But then on the other hand, he probably knows how much she likes Michael...so...

complicated :blink: This seriously can't end well... can't wait to read more!!! *hug* cookie
sadly yeah he doesnt deserve it, and i think it would be the right choice for Sydney.. shes really a mess right now...

thanx so much for the PM

I would be delighted that Sydney slept with Scott if I didn't know that she loves Michael and that Scott will be hurt in the end.
Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg! She slept with Scott!? eeeww! Well i do understand that scotts a nice guy and all but. . .
I cant believe you just left it like that Mary *sighs dramatically*

thanks so much for the pm and most of all the update!! :hug:
considering my updating schedule for this fic, the waiting time wasn't that long :lol:

hope you like it :D

Chapter 18

“You slept with Scott? That’s…” Nadia stopped when she took a closer look at Sydney. She had intended to say that this was great, but Sydney’s guilt ridden face told her otherwise. “It’s not good.” She stated instead and waited for her to agree or deny it.

“No, it’s not,” Sydney shook her head furiously, “Not one little bit.”

“Why?” Nadia looked at her asking, “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah, right,” Sydney sighed deeply, running a hand over her face, “Nothing wrong,” She muttered and got up quickly, continuing to change into her street clothes.

“Talk to me,” Nadia demanded, grabbing one if Sydney’s hands and pulling her down again, forcing her to stay down. “What’s so bad about it?”

“You really don’t get it?” Sydney asked and Nadia could have sworn the look she gave her was one full of disbelief.

“No, so explain it,” She looked at her, mustering as much patience as she could.

“I…I’m already an adulterer…” Sydney began, her voice unsteady when emotions seemed to catch up with her. Bringing all that unpleasant knowledge back was hard and she could already feel the burning in the back of her throat and her stomach clench painfully. She sure knew how to bring herself in complicated situations. And painful ones.

She swallowed hard, willing memories to disappear into blissful ignorance again, wanting forgot about all her mistakes. Unfortunately, she just kept making new ones, “And now… now I’m the girl who sleeps with her friend just to…” Sydney paused for a moment, quickly wiping one eye before that tear threatening to fall, could escape, “Just to make me feel better,” Somehow, she had expected to feel slightly better once she had said it, but it only made her actions that much more obvious.

“Oh, don’t think of it as that,” Nadia interjected, “That’s not…” She didn’t get any further because she was cut off by Sydney.

“That’s exactly what it is,” She replied sadly, “I didn’t plan on it to happen when I called him but when I kissed him it was to feel better, nothing more.”

“So, you have no feelings for him whatsoever?” Nadia question, not really believing that Sydney would sleep with him without feeling something. Well, besides the need to forget.

“I don’t know,” Sydney sighed heavily in response, “I haven’t got the slightest clue as to what I’m feeling anymore.”

“So, theoretically you could have feelings for him?” Nadia asked carefully.

“Maybe, but a new relationship isn’t exactly what I need or even should have at the moment,” Sydney answered. Life was complicated and it seemed with every decision she made, she made it more messed up and confusing.

“What are you going to do now? And most importantly, tell Scott?” Somehow, Nadia doubted Sydney had an answer to that question but she had to ask anyway.

“I don’t know,” Sydney shrugged and laughed bitterly, “That seems to be the sentence of the day.” She needed a solution but where to get it? Maybe she should just leave everything behind and start somewhere new. With no one who knew her. It was a silly idea but the more she thought about it, the more appealing it became. Though, she had never been a quitter, and she wouldn’t start now.

“You have to talk to him,” Nadia reminded her softly.

“I know, I just don’t know what to tell him,” Sydney gave her a weak smile.

“Tell him what you feel,” Nadia suggested, well knowing what Sydney was going to reply. But she needed to face her problems and make decisions. She hoped that Sydney would finally give her and Scott a chance. They could be happy and Sydney deserved happy, especially after Michael.

The thing that worried her was that Sydney chose to be back together, if you could call it being together. She was finally free of him, if she went back, it would start all over again.

“I don’t know what I feel,” Sydney said with a slight hint of desperation in her voice.

“Then tell him,” Nadia urged her, “But tell him something if you want him at least as a friend.”

“I just hope it’s not already too late for that,” Sydney muttered quietly, not daring to utter her fears loud.

Not that she needed to speak loudly with Nadia sitting right next to her, “It’s never too late as long as you try. And be honest,” She nudged Sydney’s side playfully, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

“I hope you’re right,” Sydney replied defeated and stood up to finally get dressed so that she could leave. To go home. Home where with a high chance Scott was waiting for her.

“I’m always right,” Nadia laughed and even though Sydney couldn’t see her, she was sure of the big smirk on Nadia’s face.

She turned around and raised an eyebrow at her, “Really?”

“Yeah,” Nadia grinned, “But now, hurry to get home, and I want every detail tomorrow.”

“We’ll see about that,” Sydney muttered and hid the sly smirk on her face. She knew that she was now pushing Nadia’s buttons. She always had to know everything and Sydney had often teased her with that.

“We will.” Nadia replied certainly and waved lightly as Sydney walked out, giving her a smile.

please review ^_^

pm list (want on/off?)


Nadia Weiss

Agent Bristow-Vaughn
Sara Solas
That was great ... glas Syd realized that shes a little messed up right now ... she needs to sort out her feelings before she enters a new relationship ... but she needs to talk to scott to
Please keep me on.

I think Sydney really needs to take a bit of time to figure things out. She's really confused and needs some time away from both guys. And probably Nadia as well.