alien soup

  1. Kevin

    Announcements New BB code to play with...

    New toy to play with..... instant smilie signs! Use the code [ sign]Way cool![/sign ] with out the spaces in the '[ sign]' and '[/sign ]' parts and you'll get the following..... Way cool!
  2. Kevin

    Announcements Station Construction

    It may not look like it but there is some construction going on behind-the-scenes here at the Station. The biggest change is that our 'home page' at is now being driven from the forums instead of our old stand alone news system (Coranato). I'm having a few issues...
  3. Kevin

    Announcements Current construction status....

    :) The forums are up & running. Next up for construction is to get the colors & styles of the forums worked on and also to get the forums to feed the news on the main page. From this I'm learning a few things: (1) My artistic skills are null & void and (2) I need to seriously brush up on my...
  4. Kevin

    Announcements Welcome Aboard!

    Forums are now online as of March 20, 2004. We are still working out some of the kinks in the system :p but it shouldn't be too bad (hopefully). Kevin