
Okay, as you can see by the title this is going to be an Elektra/Alias crossover. Elektra moves to Vancouver after her near death experiance, where she meets Vaughn, ex-CIA agent, she takes up the alias of 'Sydney Bristow'. Other Alias characters will also be involved in the story as well, it's more Alias than Elektra. I'm wiriting the first chapter right now, so if anyone is interested in this tell me and i'll put you on a PM list.

First chap is done, i'm just editing it.

PM list:

Sydney Bristow 2300844
Alias Fan Gillian
~Part 1~


She sat on the train, the dark night scenery rolling by her at high speeds. The rows of trees seemed to never end, and the hills rolled on forever. Her hand rested on her stomach, she slowly rubbed cirlces on the outside of her shirt to try to ease the pain she felt deep within herself. After four weeks she still wasn't fully recovered, in fact she wasn't exactly permitted to leave the hospital, but she did anyway, because she was dead. To everyone besides the doctor that saved her life she was dead, to Matt and to every other person that knew her. Staying in New York was no longer an option for her, it would be a risk to great to take. So she made a choice, the darkness burning inside of her pushed her to make the decision to move to Vancouver. She wasn't moving there because the scenery was nice, no, she was moving there because the organization she once worked for was headed there. The master who had taught her the skill of martial arts resided there. For her, that was the only path she could take, walking back into the life that she knew her father would disapprove of, but it was the only thing she had left, it was the only thing Elektra Nachios had left. A sharp pain radiated through her body once again as the train hit a ruff spot in the track, she winced slightly as her fingers dug into the leather seats on the passenger train. The cabin door opened and the conductor walked in.
"Miss, we'll be arriving in Vancouver shortly. Would you like me to get your bags ready?" He asked politley. She instantly hid the pain in her face and put up a facade.
"Please, that would be great." She said. The older man nodded politely and walked off. Once she saw the door shut out of the corner of her eye, her smile faded once again. She closed her eyes, trying to will the presisting pain away. She was given pills to take, but she never did like taking medication, she'd rather be in pain. She leaned forward, grabbing her coat, she threw it around her back and slipped her arms through the holes as a voice came over the intercom.
"Line 247 will be arriving at Vancouver Central Station in 2 minutes. We ask all passengers to head to the exits at this time and be ready to claim your baggage. Thank you for choosing Amtrak." The voice disapperead as fast as it came on. She slowly stood up and opened the door to her private cabin, she looked down the hallway to the right to see a man and a woman standing in the middle of the corridor kissing. She instantly looked down and felt a ping of jealousy wash over her. What the couple was feeling at that moment she felt not many weeks ago, with a person that she thought would be the person she'd spend the rest of her life with, but as fate would have it, she was wrong. The brakes slowly kicked in and the train started to come to a stop. She walked to the doors of the train and immediatly got off once they opened. The conductor got out with her, bringing her bag along and setting it on the pavement.
"Have a nice night, ma'me." He said tipping his hat.
"You too." She said in return. After a few moments the train started to move again, leaving her in under the yellow light of the train station, her bag sitting at her feet. She sighed heavily and picked the bag up, wincing as pain shot through her body once again from lifting the heavy object. She threw the bag over her shoulder and began to walk toward the large city of Vancouver, Canada. She walked down the crowded sidewalk and passed a small pub, the door was ajar and as she looked through the window she could see that not many people were occuping the bar. She looked around for a moment and then walked inside, her bag still over her shoulder. She walked up to the bar, dropping her bag to the ground with a thud she took a seat on the barstool. The bartender galnced up at her as he tried the glasses with the towel that hung over his shoulder.
"Can i get you something?" He asked setting a shot glass down in front of her.
"Tequila." She said. He nodded and without looking pulled out a bottle from under the counter and poured it for her, he left the bottle on the edge of the counter and went back to cleaning the glasses. She stared at the wooden slab in front of her as she set the glass back down, spinning it in circles as her thoughts comsumed her. She hadn't even noticed that someone had taken the seat next to her until they spoke.
"Never seen you here before." A deep huskly voice said. She looked up slightly, not at him but in front of her. She didn't speak.
"You just move here?" He asked.
"I just want to be left alone." She said in a annoyed tone. He turned his stool to face her.
"Honey, no one comes here to be left alone." He said. She finally looked at him. He had black hair and blue eyes, tall, he was a well built man.
"Well i do." She responded back a bit bitter.
"Maybe i don't want to leave you alone though." He said moving closer to her, his hand came to rest on her knee.
"Remove your hand...before i remove it for you." She said warning him. The bartender watched while he cleaned the glasses.
"Come on, why are you so tense?" He asked as his hand started to move up her leg. Just as she was about to make a move he was gone in an instant. She looked down to see him laying on the floor in heap, moaning in pain. The barstool was knocked over on its side on the floor, and a man stood over it. She looked up at him, his stunning green eyes resting on the man on the floor.
"Vaughn! What the hell!?" The man yelled holding his arm.
"Maybe next time when someone tells you to leave them alone you'll listen." Vaughn said towering over the other man, Elektra kept her eyes locked on the mysterious man that had saved her the trouble of taking care of the pervert.
"Why the hell are you always in everyone's business?" The man spat. Vaughn shifted feet.
"Greg, just get the hell out of here." Vaughn said.
"I'll have your a** for this." Greg said sitting up.
"Really? Hey, have you been taking those yoga classes again?" Vaughn asked crossing his arms.
"Yeah, your mom seems to really enjoy my new found flexibilty." Greg said staning up.
"Really? I heard your sister finds it entertaining as well." Vaughn said. Greg stood up quickly and took a punch at Vaughn. Vaughn ducked under his arm and moved behind him, pushing him into a table.
"You really have to stop drinking man." Vaughn said shaking his head. Greg took a deep breath and stood up straight.
"I've had enough of you Vaughn." He said. He glared coldly at Michael Vaughn as he walked out the front door and down the sidewalk. Vaughn bent over and picked up the bar stool, setting it up right once again. He took a deep breath and threw out a twenty on the bar.
"Sorry about that Jeff." He said.
"No problem, he deserves it most of the time." The bartender said.
"I'll have another beer." Vauhgn said. He looked down at the woman sitting on the stool a foot away from him.
"Can i sit?" He asked. She didn't look over.
"I don't know can you?" She asked. He let out a small laugh and took a seat.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Fine." She said.
"But i could have taken care of him myself." She said.
"Maybe, but i've been waiting to do that for a long time." He said smiling. She poured herself another drink.
"I'm Michael, by the way, Michael Vaughn." He said holding out his hand. She looked at his hand, then up to his eyes, then back down at her drink. After a moment her dropped his hand to his lap.
"Do you have a name?" He asked.
"Yes." She said drinking another shot.
"Are you going to tell me what it is?" He asked.
"No." She said pouring another drink for herself. Just as she set the bottle back on the bar a sharp oain hit her once again, her hand moved to her stomach and she slouched down slightly, her hair covering her face. His brow furowed.
"Are you okay?" He asked. She didn't answer, she drank her last shot quickly and stood up, throwing five bucks on the counter and picking her bag up, she headed toward the door.
"Hey! Wait a sec!" Vaughn yelled as he walked after her. She was out the door before he could catch up to her, stepping out onto the sidewalk he looked both ways, she was no where in site. He stood there a minute...confused.
"Weird." He said. He shook his head and walked back into the empty bar.

YAY!!!? or NAY!!!?
Definitely Yay!!! This is grrrreat! :bounces: Tony the tiger would be so proud... :jump: But anyways... update soon... thanks for the PM

((Sweet Dreams)) ✌️

I like the jumping heads... :sideroll2:
~Part 2~

She strolled slowly down the streets of Vancouver, trying to familiariz herself with the system of the city. Memorizing short cuts and buildings and street names. All the essential things she needed to know to survive. She stops at a magazine rack. Her eyes scan the wall and come to a halt when she sees the name DareDevil on the front of the National Inquirer. Any person that hadn't seen DareDevil with their owns eyes would never believe the stories and rumors that follow his name. Matt had told her the story of his life as they walked through the city streets one night, before she knew who he really was. She hated to leave him like she did, but she had too. If he had gotten the gift she had left him then he would know she was alive and well, otherwise, he would think like everyone else back in the big apple. She picked up the magazine and started to read the front cover.
"Drug lord killed at the hands of Dare...."
"You actually believe that stuff?" A voice asked over her shoulder. She put down the magazine and turned around. Michael Vaughn stood in front of her, a coffee mug in one hand and the other stuffed lazily in his pokcet. He smiled and took a sip of the warm liquid, letting it ease his throat on the cold morning.
"Maybe....do you?" She asked in return. He shook his head.
"The guys that write that are on crack, i can see it now, they meet every morning trying to figure out how to make people jump out of their skin, i actually only read it when i need a good laugh." He said taking another sip.
"Well, how do you know that Daredevil isn't real? You've never seen him, never been to New York, how would you know?" She asked.
"Well, i wasn't actually talking about Daredevil, i was just saying not to believe that stuff they call news, it's all felgercarb." He said. She started to walk away. He followed her.
"And for the record i have been to New York, many times actually." He said.
"Congratulations." She said as she stopped at a corner, he stopped next to her.
"You disapperead last night without giving me your name you know." He said. She kept her eyes moving along the streets.
"Really? I hadn't noticed." She said. Once the walking light flashed she was already in the street trying to get away from him.
"Is this how you treat all the guys that save your a**!?" He asked as he stood in the middle of the crosswalk. She stopped and turned around to look at him.
"Okay, first of all, you did not save my a**. And second, you're about to get hit by a bus." She said. Her head cocked to the side and her eyes follwed the transit bus as it started to move. He ran towards her from the street. He came to stand in front of her.
"You're not very easy to get along with are you?" He asked.
"No, not really, not after the life i've lived." She said. He stared at her, seeing a flash of pain, betrayl, and saddness in her chocolate brown eyes. She looked at him weirdly.
"Stop staring at me like that, you're making me uncomfortable." She said. She turned around and started walking again. He walked after her and soflty grabbed her arm. With in a fraction of a second she had him on his knees, his arm twisted behind his back as he moaned in pain.
"Agh!" He clenched his teeth. She leaned down towards his ear.
"Stop....following me." She said. She let go of him and stood up straight. Fixing her jacket, she turned around and walked off in the opposite direction. He stood up and rubbed his arm. He watched as she disapperead once again around the corner of a building. He sighed and walked off in the other direction.

~Three Days Later~

She walked into the same bar she had come to two previous weeks before. It looked the same, in the sense that there was barley anyone there. She walked inside and sat down.
"Tequilia?" The bartender asked. She nodded slightly and waited for her drink, he smiled and put it down in front of her. She glanced across the other side of the bar and sighed when she saw who was sitting across from her, his head was down and he healed a beer in front of him between his two hands, he picked at the label, seemingly in a trance, which actually surpirsed her. He sat quiet, not even acknowledging that he knew she was there. Her heart jumped a bit when he started to speak to her.
"Didn't your mother ever tell you staring is rude?" He asked as he took another long sip of his beer. Still, he didn't look at her.
"My mother died when i was four." She said still staring at him.
"Well, then hasn't your father ever told you that?" He asked.
"When he was alive, yes." She said. Her confessions that her parents were dead apparently got his attention, because he looked up at her, but his eyes weren't as soft as they were the last time she had looked into them. He seemed depressed slightly, saddened by an unknown cause. He then said something that no one had ever said to her before.
"I'm sorry." His voice was low, dejected like. He looked back down at the beer he was holding, there was obviosuly something eating away at his thoughts.
"Hasn't your mother ever told you not to ignore a lady?" She asked. He looked up at her once again.
"Yeah, but she also told me to leave a lady alone when told too, if i remember correctly our last run in wasn't very friendly, seing as it ended with you almost snapping my arm." He said.
"I'm sorry about that." She said looking down at her own drink.
"You know, i never believed the phrase 'nice guys finish last' until i got here. Everything i seem to do is wrong." He said. He looked up at her.
"I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable, and i wasn't following you. I just....don't know very many people. Jeff..." He points to the bartender.
"....is the only person i can trust to pour me a drink so i can forget about how twisted my life has become." He said. She stared at him once again, she could see he was telling her the truth, he was sincere.
"Maybe i should start to act like a jerk, maybe it'll get me further. What do you think?" He asked looking up at her a bit bitter. She stared at him for a moment, not speaking.
"That's what i thought." He said. He stood up and threw a 10 dollar bill on the counter. He started to head to the door.
"Sydney." She said. He stopped and turned around.
"What?" He asked. She turn her head to look at him.
"My name is Sydney Bristow." She said. His eyes got a bit softer as she finally revealed her identity to him.
"Sydney?" He asked. She nodded slightly. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked at the floor for a moment. He nodded and turned back towards the bar and walked over to where she sat.
"May i sit?" He asked. She nodded.
"You may." She said. He took a seat and folded his hands out in front of him.
"So, Sydney. Where are originally from?" He asked.
"New York." She said. He nodded.
"What about you?....Vaughn?" She asked. The way his name rolled off her tounge caught his attention. He looked across at her.
"What?" She asked. He shook his head.
"Nothing...um...LA." He answered.
"West coast boy, eh?" She asked drinking another shot. He smiled a little.
"Yeah, you could say that." He said.
"So what made you move here?" She asked. He looked down at the bar top, his fingers suddenly got interesting.
"I lost someone, someone very close to me." He said.
"He was my best friend, we worked together, and...he was killed in the line of duty." He said.
"Then you're a cop?" She asked. He shook his head.
"No, government." He said looking at her. She caught onto his drift and nodded.
"Anyway, there was this one....operation....it was supposed to be easy, we get in, get out, go home. But we were ambushed. They executed my best friend right in front of me." He said. He swallowed hard.
"And what makes it worse, is that the route we took to get out of the building was my idea, it wasn't what we were supposed to do. So techincally, i'm the one who murdered him." He sighed as he finished, as if a large weight was lifted off his shoulders.
"I haven't told anyone that in two years." He said. She slid her glass away from her.
"It wasn't your fault, you can't honestly blame youself." She said.
"There's no one else to blame." He said.
"What about you? Why are you here?" He asked looking up at her. It was no her turn to look down.
"I died." She said. He looked a bit confused.
"I...almost died...i think i did...but somehow i was saved. Long story short, my father was murdered a few weeks ago by a crime organization, they then came after me." She said. He nodded.
"I understand, you don't have to explain." He said. She nodded.
"Everyone in New York thinks i'm dead." She said.
"I couldn't stay there. So i came here." She said. He nodded in understanding. Vaughn looked up to see Jeff staring at the both of them.
"Come on Jeff, why are you here? Enlighten us?" Vaughn asked. Jeff laughed.
"I'm just boring old bartender that had a dream of owning his own bar, i'm just a boring old man." He said. All three of them laughed slightly. Elektra looked at her watch.
"I should be getting home, it's late." She said standing up. She started to take out money but Vaughn beat her too it.
"Don't worry, i've got it." He said paying for her drinks. She smiled up at him.
"Thank you." She said. She actually couldn't believe she had just said it. He smiled back.
"Your welcome." He said. She walked past him and toward the door.
"Syd?" He asked. She turned around.
"Would you like to get a cup of coffee tomorrow? Or dinner?" He asked. She was surpirsed by his question.
"Um...sure." She said. He smiled.
"Okay, there's a cafe just down the street from here, 8:30 sound good?" He asked. She nodded.
"8:30 it is." She said. He smiled.
"Okay, be careful walking home." He said.
"I will be." She said. She turned around and walked out of the bar, leaving a smiling green eyed man behind. As she walked down the street she couldn't quite believe that she was having dinner with a man she hardly knew, but then again, something about him seemed familiar.
~Part 3~
~Starting Fresh~

She sat at the table for two, waiting for him to arrive, she felt out of place. The people that were there were all dressed up slightly, and here she was dressed in a tank top and jeans. She wanted to leave, because she was getting weird glances every now and then from the table across the room. She stood up and grabbed her purse when she felt a hand on the small of her back. She quickly looked over her shoulder to see him smiling at her.
"Hey." He said as he moved to stand in front of her.
"You didn't tell me i had to dress up, and you're late." She said a bit on edge. His smile faded.
"I'm sorry, traffic was bad, and...you don't need to dress up." He said. She looked him up and down.
"Then why are you?" She asked. He looked down at himself, dressed in black slacks and a dark maroon dress shirt. He looked back up at her.
"I...okay, so maybe i should have told you." He said. She crossed her arms.
"I'm sorry....here." He said. He started to unbutton his shirt.
"What are you doing?" She asked watching him quizically. He slipped off his shirt, leaving him only with his white plain t-shirt on.
"Is that better?" He asked smoothing out the wrinkles in his t-shirt. She could easily see his defined muscles through his shirt and she forced herself to look back into his eyes.
"You didn't have to do that." She said.
"Well i did it anyway, deal with it." He said. She cocked her head to the side and gave him a pissed look. He moved closer to her.
"Now sit down so we can order." He said smiling slightly. He pulled her chair out for her and she sat down. He walked to the other chair across the table and took a seat.
"By the way, you don't need to dress up, you still look absouletly beautiful." He said. Her face softened as he said that, she hated the power that he held over her. How he could go from totally pissing her off to absouletly amazing her.
"You're not going to kick me under the table for saying that are you?" He asked moving his chair back a little. She smiled.
"No." She said.
"Good, because i can't afford to be hurt, i have practice tomorrow." He said.
"Practice? Practice for what?" She asked. He moved his chair back in.
"Sorry, guess i forgot to mention. I play hockey, i actually work over at the skating rink on Province St." He said. She nodded.
"How long have you been playing?" She asked.
"Since i was eight. My dad taught me." He said. She smiled.
"Well, you're dad seems like nice guy." She said. He nodded.
"Yeah, he was." he said. Her smile faded as he used the past tense of was.
"I'm sorry." She said. He brushed it off.
"Don't be, it was along time ago." He said. She could tell she had rattled some emotions with bringing up the topic of his father.
"So, tell me more about yourself, favorite food, anything." He said. She smiled.
"Well, I don't want to bore you." She said smiling. He smiled.
"I don't think that's possible." He said looking at her so intensely that her heart skipped a beat.
"Okay, only if you're sure. Let's see, i was born in Greece, moved here when i was two, went to many private schools and i was trained in martial arts."
"Well now i get why you have such fast reflexes." He said. She laughed.
"Anyway, i never really had many friends, my father was very protective over me, because of it i matured faster than i should have." She said. She took a sip of her wine.
"Well, i think you turned out just fine." He said. She set her glass down.
"Why do you say things like that? You don't even know me." She said. He got completly serious.
"Maybe i have an instinct about you." He said. She sat silent.
"Something about you...i just can't stop thinking about you, you're amazing, and just...beautiful." He said. She felt her body temperature rise as he spoke.
"Are you going to hurt me for saying that?" He asked. She sat silent, looking at her hands in her lap.
"Sydney?" He asked. She wouldn't look up at him. He leaned forward on the table.
"Syd?" He asked. She still wouldn't look up. He sighed, reaching across the table he took his finger and gently lifted her chin so she'd meet his eyes. It was then when he saw the tears. He removed his hand and sat straight up. He looked around to see a few people staring at them. He threw his napkin on the table and stood up. He walked over to her and grabbed her hand.
"Come with me." He said. He helped her stand up, her head still haning toward the ground, not wanting anyone to see her weak. He led her too the lobby and stood in a darker corner. He put his hand on her upper arm and looked at her.
"Sydney? Please tell me whats wrong?" He asked. She stared at his shoes. He lifted her chin once again.
"Syd?" He asked. Her tears kept falling silently.
"It's nothing." She said. He reached up and brushed away her tears.
"If it was nothing then you wouldn't be crying." He said. She sighed.
"I'm just not used to being talked to like that." She said.
"Like what? Saying you're beautiful and amazing?" He asked. Her tears finally stopped. She stared at the necklace hanging on his neck.
"What's that?" She asked trying to change the subject.
"You are beautiful." He said.
"Is it some sort of French symbol?" She asked.
"Stop trying to change the subject." He said. Their conversation started to pick up speed, and before they knew it they had started a back and forth conversation.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because i don't like the fact that no ones ever told you how incredible you are." He said.
"You don't even know me." She said.
"I do know you, more than most people do." He said.
"No you don't." She said.
"Yes i do, why did you open up to me and not anyone else?" He asked.
"Because." She said.
"Because why?" He asked.
"You're not a very easy person to argue with." She said.
"You're changing the subject again." He said.
"Because i had an instinct about you." She said.
"Really?" He asked.
"Maybe, or maybe i'm just lying." She said.
"You're not." He said.
"How do you know?" She asked.
"Because i can tell." He said.
"I doubt it." She said.
"I'm the only person you're starting to trust am i right?" He asked.
"No." She said.
"There's alot of people i trust." She said.
"Bullshi*t." He said.
"Now you're lying." He said.
"I don't like you very much right now." She said.
"But you do like me?" He asked.
"Maybe yes, maybe no." She said.
"You have a hard time making up your mind don't you?" He asked.
"Sometimes." She said.
"More like all the time." He said.
"You never answered my question about the necklace." She said.
"Later." He said.
"Why later?" She asked.
"Because i'm going to kiss you." He said.
"You do and i'll kick your a**." She said.
"Then kick away." He said. He leaned forward slowly and pressed his lips against hers, of course she was lying, she didn't kick his a**, althought the thought had crossed her mind once or twice. His hands came to rest on her waist as she threw her arms around his neck.
"You lied again." He said in between a kiss.
"I never said i didn't lie." She said kissing him again.
"I thought you didn't like me?" He asked.
"Shut up." She said. He kissed her with such passion that her knees actually started to get weak. No one had ever kissed her so soft yet so passionately as he was at the moment. She felt lost in him, forgetting about all of her problems...forgetting about her life. Before she even knew it they were at his place, once again forgetting about the morbid reality they both lived in.