Type with your elbows!

^^haha... thats funny

whnasty's a spork?

(what's a spork?)

Mines actually pretty decient... its less fun that way

so if u want funny...see the above post :smiley:
ok this aint gonna go too well but here goes

uiriujn bazs ddfervc mjk is tghe berdsxtf

ok that was meant to say
Irina Derevko Is The best,

lol :trampoline:

I haven't done this in a while and it's always amused me since I'm so horrible at it...so I thought I would go for it again... So here it goes:

tyhe xsecondc tgol l.axstg episolde of al,kias iksx on tgonihjty

ok wow... why do i fail so much at this? I mean i can type normally pretty well, so you would think it wouldnt be too difficult for me to type with my elbows.... right? I guess one really has nothing to do with the other :P . Anyway, since I'm sure no one can actually read what I tried to type, I'll translate it for you: The second to last episode of Alias is on tonight

Sorry I fail so miserably... but then again I guess its more interesting that way :P
Just kind of following Syd-157's lead....

My favorite episode

My favorite character

I love how I hit the caps lock on the last one. haha
My Ship:


My Favorite Episode:

ophgazsxed ionbje
(Phase One)

My Favorite Alias:

TRhgw GFeuishga

(The Geisha)
Note to White_Rabbit:

hey, i l;ovbew tyhhhhhe ge9iikshnaszq ep;ik tgolo@! syudfsdx aspl;iasd weazs asm,swqzuing!@

Translation: Hey, I love the geisha epi. too! Syd's alias was amazing!