Type with your elbows!

al;iksa 45rt5eva1q

m,yh m,ujm jmujZ vcma s uip[zyKISDZ N zaAQ ¦saxzl;oolkmn hnb frtjnhikza


alias 4eva

my mum just came upstairs and saw me doing this :blush:
Favorite episode: dfierwebnom,bn - Firebomb
Character I hate most: loptrwenm- Loren
Favorite ship:sayusd67bvAQUGHHJN- Syd & Vaughn
Favorite Character: asughn b - Vaughn
I'm soo prooud iof myself :super:
wopqw 5ioqw mqwm,uimn

wow this is fun

asyhuds mnqN M VC QAfgtb

syd and vaughn

jhnAQ324 OMNJ3

phase one


So I've done this twice before, both times, I sucked so let's see if I'm proved somewhat:

My ship:
swy76dnhj edyt aqnh dec vg bvb vgjnnklq iure

Translation: Sydney and Vaughn

My eppy:
dfrcxe fhyb uj98edsx sxd

Translation: Echoes :blink:

My quote:
lpor5tjkiswxtgwsekmiuhyg hgybt kijyhgt vedujik lk, km c kjm bahn gbwtyg lk,edsujhymn as nhjmsdz m,. rd swhtgy bserm ndxs

Translation: Ultimately you will do what you want. That's what free will is all about.


I suck.
my quote:
ik l.oxst my kmerdyhsz. where asrte tyhey?
(i lost my keys. where are they?)

I love how i can type words like "my" and "where" without any problem but then when i go to type keys i get the most random not even close word ever... i think i fail :(

But on the brightside... my twin sisters (they're 6 years old) walked in and saw me typing with my elbows and thought that was how you're supposed to type... so that's how they were typing on the comp in their room when my mom walked in on them a couple mins ago.... :D younger siblings are so impressionable.... :P
/..l. xsol thnbaztg means spybaszbyu'/sxd cvopminmg inm 40 dfaayuxs@!

Translation: ...so that means spybaby's coming in 40 days!