
aliasgirl89 - Just keep reading!

aliasjunkie4ever - Yeah, but the main stuff doesn't happen until the sequel, which I'm in the process of writing

YoungStarsOwner - Well, here's another chapter, but you'll have to wait a week for the next one! :P

Alias Fan Gillian - the next chapter here, but I have to warn you that there's only going to be 4 more chapters, plus an epilogue in this story

amisha - Glad you're deciding to wait, but I think most of the questions will have to be answered in the sequel!

Chapter 10:

“Hey, Tai. Umm…just calling to see where you are. See you soon, bye!” Hanging up the phone, I sighed in annoyance, and shook my head. Either the people who thought up aliases were ten years old, or they had a weird sense of humor. We were Tai and Kari Kamiya, the same characters as from Digimon™.

“Urgh, they have really got to be more imaginative next time, I don’t even look vaguely Japanese!” I muttered to myself, walking around a small park which served as our meeting place. Realizing that Will would take forever getting here, I ran through all of the information I’d been given.


“Michelle, your alias is Kari Kamiya…” at that, I tried not to laugh, and ended up snorting into my hand instead.

“Michelle…” My grandfather, Jack warned. Looking up at him, I instantly sobered, and explained.

“Sorry, it’s just…the name is from Digimon, Tai’s sister.” I said, looking around at the blank faces surrounding me. “Digimon, a Japanese anime?” Still not a flicker of recognition. “Anime?” I tried again, and gave up.

“Both you and Will, whose alias is Tai…” once again, I tried not to laugh, “were adopted by a childless Japanese couple, and your trip to Cape Town is part of a family vacation. We have set you up with accommodation at the local hotel, so you do not need to worry about that. They are under the name Kamiya.” Devlin finished. The unspoken word ‘obviously’ hung in the air, almost begging to be said.


“You, know, there are only so many times you can wander around Cape Town looking like a tourist before someone starts getting suspicious.” I said, hearing my brother attempting to sneak up on me.

“I wasn’t even trying,” he replied, a foolish grin on his face. “If I didn’t want you to know I was creeping up on you, you wouldn’t hear a thing.”

I sighed. “Whatever, come on, we still need to find the last point where dad was seen.” I reminded, heading off towards the west.

“Hey, whoa, what’s the big rush all of a sudden?” Will asked, grabbing my arm and holding me back. “We’re in Cape Town, do you realize how much history this place has got?”

“Since when did you become interested in History?” I asked suspiciously, my eyes narrowing.

“Since I got a huge paper about Apartheid in South Africa.” Will replied, embarrassed.

“Hey, I’ll shout it from the rooftops, ‘Will is actually doing work!’” I teased, and then grew serious again. “I thought you worked full-time, I didn’t think you actually were still going to college.”

“Hey, what can I say? Even looking through moldy old textbooks is better that doing nothing on a job.” He countered carefully as I dropped a couple of coins into a cup.

“^Thank you, ^” he replied in Afrikaans, and I smiled at him.

“^Don’t worry about it, ^” I replied, walking off.

“^Blue Wolf has made a drop, ^” the man said in Latin into a comms. device. “^Nothing suspicious has been noted. ^”

We walked in comparative silence for a while, taking in all of the sights of Cape Town, or at least the areas we visited.

“Hey, Kari, are you alright?” Will asked, having not known me to be silent for so long.

“Hmm? Yeah, I’m fine.” I replied, waking up from my daydream. Why am I still concentrating on that dream? I thought to myself, heading into the hotel.

“May I help you?” the man at the reception desk asked in English, and I replied.

“^Three rooms reserved for Kamiya. ^” I replied in Afrikaans, and he smiled, turning away from the desk to retrieve the keys.

“^Here you are Miss Kamiya, room numbers 45, 46 and 47. ^” He replied, handing them over. “^And what of your parents?” He asked innocently.

“^They will be coming shortly, they wanted to explore the sights of this wonderful city. ^” I replied, beaming at him.

“^Do you need any help with your bags? ^”

“^No, I’m sure we will be fine. ^” I replied, picking up my bag. “Hey, Tai?” I yelled.

“Yeah, wha…” Will was cut off in an attempt to avoid dropping the bag I’d thrown at him. Fumbling, he managed to drop it, the crash resonating throughout the hotel lobby.

Noticing that the receptionist was still looking at us, I rolled my eyes noticeably, and muttered “brothers!”

After scrabbling with the bag, and managing to pick it up, Will walked over to me, and I threw a door key at him.

“Keep this low-key, remember?” I reminded him. “No talk about anything, understand?”

“Of course I understand, what kind of person do you think I am?” He said, offering me a lop-sided grin.

“The kind of person who’s been acting strangely lately.” I muttered once he was out of earshot.
why has he been acting strange lately?
is he working with vaughn?
what's going on?
why is vaughn bad?
there is a sequel?
sorry, i know i said i'd hold the questions but i can't help it!
:blink: Woah, 11 chapters already? This has been going on for nearly three months!

aliasgirl89 - Glad you think that way! (Of course, I'm assuming you meant to say 'Ok course I'll keep reading, you can't read this story and then just all of a sudden stop' instead of

Ok course I'll keep reading, you can read this story and then just all of a sudden stop


DoNtFrOsTtHePiE 47 - YAY! A new reader! Well, here's more (it's updated every week, btw)

amisha - :lol: Half of thoes questions will be answered in the sequel, the other half will be answered soon!

YoungStarsOwner - I was wondering when someone would pick up on that!

Alias Fan Gillian[/]b - Hey, no problem, glad you're still enjoying it!

aliasjunkie4ever - Is 'interesting' meant to mean something bad? :P Thanks for saying I'm doing a good job, this was my first ever Alias fic!

Chapter 11:

The visit to the homeless man became almost a ritual over the next few days. Get up, shower, get changed, walk down to the dining hall, have breakfast, go for a walk. That was basically my whole routine in the morning.

Fortunately for us, two Japanese CIA agents arrived the day after we did, sealing the fact that we were a family.

“Morning Kari,” the homeless person greeted me, and I slipped a few coins into the cup, smiling as usual. As far as anyone else was concerned, he’d asked for my name the third time I passed him, and I told him, not the fact that he already knew me from a few CIA operations.

“So, what are you planning to do today?” Will asked, appearing right next to me in an instant.

“I’m not sure,” I replied, shrugging. “I might go and have a look at Thunder City. It’s an aviation centre.” I hastily added, seeing the look of confusion creeping up on his face.

“And that would be interesting how?” He asked, swerving to miss a person who was barging right down the middle of the road.

“It’ll be interesting because I’ll have something to actually do rather than sitting inside the hotel all day.”

“How can the hotel be boring? They’ve got satellite there!”

“Yeah, and it gets kinda boring watching all of the music videos so often that you now know them off by heart.” I replied, looking to see if it was safe to cross a road. “That, and the fact that my brain starts hurting from translating half a dozen different languages into English so I can understand what’s happening. Let me tell you this: Africans have a completely different sense of humor to me!”

“Ok, I’ll see you back at the hotel, then!” Will called out, having stopped walking and started to head back to the hotel.

“Yeah, whatever,” I replied, waving my hand in his general direction.

“Is she alone?” Someone asked Will as he walked away.

“Yes, she’s alone,” he replied, smirking.


“Bored now,” I commented, wandering around the streets of Cape Town. “What time is it?” I muttered, looking down at my watch: 2:47PM. Sighing, I decided to head back to the hotel, seeing as there was nothing else to do.

“Whoever thought that being an agent was all action was seriously mistaken,” I mumbled, making sure that no one could over-hear me.

OK, just because I was complaining about the lack of action doesn’t mean that I want something to happen! I thought to myself, hearing a few loose stones being kicked by someone. Hastily I glanced around, but I was in an old part of town, meaning that no one was around.

Spinning around on the spot, I came face to face with at least half a dozen people, none of which I recognized, some with ski masks on. Reaching into the back pocket of my shorts, I activated a tracking device.

“Opstay ightray erethay, eway avehay ouyay urroundedsay, erethay isway onay escapeway.”* One of them, a man said, and I just stared at him blankly.

“^There is no use trying to escape, we know who you are. ^” A woman said, this time in Spanish.

“Do you really want to bet?” I asked sarcastically, launching into a jump kick, knocking her to the ground. Unfortunately, that was just the cue the rest of them were looking for. They started attacking nervously at first, in an attempt to find any weaknesses in my routine. They couldn’t find one.

“Come on, do you really think you have a chance to beat me?” I said, dancing around one of my attackers before punching him in the throat, him then collapsing onto the ground.

Hearing a gun being cocked, I instantly dived to the ground, barely missing a hail of bullets.

“C’mon, Will, where are you?” I muttered to myself, leaping to my feet and executing a high jump kick, catching a woman underneath her chin.

“Aahh!” I was too preoccupied with trying to see if I could locate Will to notice the person who was attempting, successfully, to creep up on me.

Turning around as best as I could, I back-kicked him and he let go, unwillingly. Aiming a spinning kick at him, he dropped to the ground, joining his friend.

BAM! The sound of a gun being fired, and a wave of pain, almost like fire, shot through my arm. I fell to the ground, clutching just below my right shoulder, where I’d been hit, hoping to stem the flow of blood. I was too busy trying to reduce the extent of my injury to even notice that someone else had appeared until that person started talking.

“Get moving, now, we don’t want anyone to see what happened.” A man commanded, and I looked up at him, and froze. I had only seen pictures of him, and even then not many, but I still recognized him, even after 17 years. He still had the same dirty blond hair that Will had inherited, the same piercing green eyes that I had.

“Dad?” I whispered uncertainly, and he looked at me with a cold, unwavering glare. A car skidded to a halt just in front of us, and one of my attackers climbed in.

“Get in,” he ordered, pulling out a gun when I refused to move. “Get in.” He replied, and I obeyed reluctantly, brushing past him as I went.

“I’ll explain all of this later, for now; you just have to trust me.” He whispered as I passed him.

Keeping a poker face on, I got into the car.


* Stop right there, we have you surrounded, there is no escape. (Pig Latin, Californian.)

Aww, what the heck, I'll do a preview for next week:

Without warning, dad backhanded me and I fell to the floor, a vicious red mark beginning to appear on my face.

Choking back tears, I looked up at the door long enough to see dad walking out of it, and looking back at me. Beneath the cold, unyielding glare, I could see the hurt in his eyes.
i like the way you've written this. the narration makes Michelle's voice very real and realistic, and the plot is very interesting. keep writing!
Reader responses (more than likely because I'll be way to busy to think tomorrow):

aliasgirl89 - I know it was a typo, I was just joking around.

YoungStarsOwner - :confused: Were you hyper when you wrote that?

DoNtFrOsTtHePiE 47 - Well, there's an update tomorrow, good enough for you?

Alias Fan Gillian - Hate to say this, but you're starting to sound like a broken record 🤷 Oh, well, at least you like it

amisha - Why does no one think that Vaugh could be bad? (Explanation's in the next chap, btw, which is coming tomorrow) Patience, grasshopper, I'd hate to see your house when you're waiting for the next Alias episode!

aliasjunkie4ever - :devil:

xPOLARISx - Thanks for the review (yay! New reader), and don't worry, I won't quit writing just yet! :P
everyone at my house hates it when i'm waiting for alias to come on. they think i'm obssessed!!!! can you believe that??? lol.

it's even worse coz i live in london and the new season won't start for another couple of months!!!


of course people can't believe vaughn is bad. people just aren't used to that sort of thing.

haha!!! that was funny about erin being hyper! i think i might be a bit hyper now. never mind.


amisha - I know how you feel. I also live in England

Chapter 12:

The door creaked open and I immediately sprang into a defensive stance, relaxing when I saw who it was. I knew who it was going to be, the same person who’d kept on coming back to ‘question’ me: my father.

Slamming shut, the door sealed off any hopes I might have had of escaping this hell-hole.

“Well, are you enjoying your stay here?” He asked, and I refused to answer. I couldn’t lie and say yes, and if I said no, that would result in even more ‘questioning’. Hearing footsteps, dad turned his head around to glance briefly out of the small window in the cell. Once they were gone he turned back to look at me, and nodded.

“What the f*** is all of this about?” I asked, making sure to keep my voice low so that our conversation wasn’t overheard.

“Michelle, I had no…”

“Don’t even think about giving me that bulls*** about having no choice!” I spat, angrily. “We’ve been doing this for three days straight and I still don’t have a clue about anything! How am I supposed to know you didn’t have a choice if I don’t know what happened!”

His normally calm green eyes started glowing with anger at this point, and I knew that I’d overstepped a mark.

“You were missing for seventeen years, both you and mom, what was I supposed to think?” I said, more quietly, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

“Michelle…” he said, practically whispered, and pulled me into his arms. “Honestly, there wasn’t anything I could do about it. It was while I was on a mission, something went wrong, we lost a contact…”

~ Flashback – Last mission Sydney and Vaughn were seen on ~

“Base Ops, this is Boy Scout, do you copy?” Vaughn said into his comm. link. The sound of static filled the air. “Base Ops, do you copy?” He repeated, before closing the link and looking at Sydney.

“I’m not getting a signal, the base is probably comm. secured.”

“We still follow the orders we were given.” She replied with a smile before turning off into the left-hand corridor. Grinning, Vaughn took the right-hand corridor and began creeping along it, pausing every so often to check where the guards were.

“Syd, I’ve found it,” Vaughn whispered into his comm., praying that Sydney could hear him. There was nothing but static. The next thing Vaughn saw was a fire extinguisher hurtling towards his head.

~ End Flashback ~

“I was told that I had a choice; work for them, or they’d kill everyone I cared about.” He clarified, letting go of me.

“Who?” I asked, looking up at him, tears streaking down my face.

“I never found out. Even now I still don’t know. Whoever they are, it’s definitely a worldwide organization, and there are no obvious bases.”

“Couldn’t you just…escape?” I questioned, and he looked down at the floor.

“They knew exactly where you, Will and your mom were, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill them at any cost. I couldn’t risk it. It was for your own safety.”

“Well, it didn’t do much…” I hesitated, hearing an approaching guard. Without warning, dad backhanded me and I fell to the floor, a vicious red mark beginning to appear on my face.

Choking back tears, I looked up at the door long enough to see dad walking out of it, and looking back at me. Beneath the cold, unyielding glare, I could see the hurt in his eyes.


Will watched over the shoulder of a CIA agent as the Rambaldi manuscript was carefully unfolded, revealing a blank, yellowing page.

“Nervous?” A female agent asked, looking at him.

“Why would I be? If this is something to do with the prophecy, it’s ancient news by now.” He replied, confused.

She laughed. “Well, the last time we exposed a Rambaldi manuscript; it showed us an image of someone similar to Irina, Sydney or Michelle. Who knows, maybe this time it will show someone who looks like you, Will.”

Not answering, he focuses his attention onto the manuscript which is slowly being revealed.

“Holy s***,” Will whispers and scurries out of the room as fast as he can as the last part of the manuscript is revealed.

A man, known by the woman, will be found. Working together, they will begin to uncover the truth about their past, and their future.

United under knowledge, they will bring down not only the great power in the world, but also any other enemies.

In the centre of the page was a picture bearing an uncanny resemblance to Will.