
Thanks xoxilovevaughnxox & you too Risti. :smiley: I'm at the library right now, so I'll post the chapter soon...I don't know if I can from here or not, I'd have to go find it and that may take awhile...sometime tonight though, I promise.
Chapter 6

Jack sighed with relief when Sydney finally opened her eyes. His feelings changed to ones of confusion and disappointment when she almost immediately pulled away from him. She had been calling out for him just before opening her eyes. Now she was avoiding him. She refused to answer him when he asked what was wrong.

She began to pace rapidly back and forth, not looking her father in the eye. He tried to stop her and ask her again what was wrong, but she simply shoved past him. Her eyes met Vaughn's. He was standing in the shadows, watching. Only when she looked at him did he step forward. Jack moved aside and Vaughn took his place. Finally, Sydney halted.

"Sydney, what's the matter? You've been ... out of it, for a while. You said some things, we could follow most of what you were remembering. But you were just calling for your father, now you're avoiding him. What happened?"

"I just remembered the first time Mom ever told me Dad didn't want us. She said that was why she took me away. Maybe she wasn't lying after all. If he'd cared enough, as soon as he knew where I was, he would have come and gotten me!" Sydney said all of this quietly enough so that only Vaughn could hear it clearly.

Jack wanted to say something, but decided to keep his silence until Vaughn had spoken again.

"Sydney, he told you your mother would have killed him if he'd tried to come get you. You wouldn't have wanted that, would you?"

"No, of course not. But he has a dangerous job anyway, right? He takes risks for that. Why couldn't he take one for me? For months all I wanted was to go home. I kept wishing for him to come and get me, but he never came. Finally, Mom told me he hadn't wanted us, anyway. By then, how could I not believe it? Why didn't he come??" She was fighting tears now, refusing to let them fall.

Vaughn looked over at Jack, who by now looked incredibly sad. Still, he kept silent, seeming to know Sydney wasn't ready to hear his voice yet. All he did was nod at Vaughn, encouraging him to go on talking himself.

"I don't know, Sydney. You seem pretty shaken right now, once you feel better, the two of you can talk about it."

"Why should I wait?" She turned to her father, her eyes so full of anger and hurt that Jack wanted to look away. He knew he didn't dare. If he did that, he'd lose whatever part of Sydney's trust he had so lately gained.

"Was Mom telling the truth after all? Is that why you left me there to forget all about you? Because you never wanted me to begin with??"

"No, it wasn't," he answered firmly. "I always wanted you, Sydney. But there was nothing I could do. For months I didn't even know where you were. Even after I did... I couldn't come. I just couldn't." At last Sydney stopped pacing, and advanced on her father with such an angry expression that he couldn't help flinching.

"Why? Were you too busy to take some time off for the sake of your daughter? Was that it?"

"No, Sydney. I wanted to come, but I couldn't. I wasn't too busy. It was something more complicated than that. Beyond that, I can't explain."

"Can't, or won't? After all this time, the least you can do is be honest. Tell me WHY. Why did you abandon me?"

"Sydney, there is an explanation, and I'll give it to you. Just not now. You're tired and stressed. I don't want to add to that. You've had a hard few days. Now isn't the time to have this discussion. Please understand."

Sydney shook her head, and once again refused to speak to her father. She wouldn't even look in his direction, and she seemed so uncomfortable that finally Vaughn led her from the living room and into the kitchen. Once she'd sat down, Sydney held onto Vaughn's hand so tightly he realized she wasn't actually angry anymore...... she was afraid.

"What are you thinking?" He asked softly.

"Maybe my mother was telling the truth. I never wanted to believe her..... but now here I am, and my own father won't give any other explanation. I'm trapped here now. After I tell that annoying man where my mother does all of her work, I can't go back there knowing I betrayed her like that. So I don't belong here, and I can't ever fit in there again. Where do I go, after the questioning is over?!" Her voice and hands were trembling badly now, which made Vaughn feel that much worse. He had no answer for her, and the only thing he had to give that mattered to her was his honesty.

"I don't know, Sydney. I'm sure your father would like you to stay here with him. I know you won't consider that now. Maybe later. I can say, I see his expression when he looks at you. He does love you, Sydney. He's missed you very much."

"Maybe. If that's so, why can't he just give me his reason for abandoning me to the care of my mother somewhere so far away?"

Vaughn sighed. "I can't answer that for you either. I wish I could. You'll have to talk to your father about it."

Sydney's expression hardened again. "I'm not going to talk to him about anything right now. Can we just stay here, for a while?"

"Sure. Are you hungry? I don't know how much food there is here, since it's not my apartment, but I'm sure there's something."

"Where are we?"

"Your father's place. When you blacked out, he brought you here. Well, actually, I drove, following his directions. He was occupied with something else."

"What else could there be?"

"He was holding you on his lap on the way here. You were so pale and everything. He thought we might have to take you to the hospital. I've never heard him sound afraid like that."

Sydney looked down, blushing. She was calmer now, and beginning to feel ashamed of how she had acted before.

"I'll have to go apologize to Dad, then we had better get back, right? Kendall will be waiting, I suppose."

"I'm sure. Once you get that over with, you can think about your next step. Come on, let's go."

Sydney’s POV

My next step? I knew what I wanted to do—curl up in a ball somewhere and just hide. Somehow, I don't think that is a possibility right now. When I was little, my favorite place to hide from Mom was under my bed. I don't think I would fit there now. Plus, in a way, I’m already hiding from her. However, I have no fear that she will find me eventually. That is inevitable. The only question is, when she will come looking for me, if she even cares about me enough to.

This reminds me of why I want to hide in the first place. Talking to… that man is not what I want to be doing right now, but I guess I have little choice. I’m not sure how to face him without asking more questions. There are so many things I have to know.

Michael and I return to the living room, and as we walk in, Dad stands up and faces me. He looks like he wants to tell me something, and as curious as I am to find out what it is, I have something I need to say first.

“I’m sorry, I just—“

“No, you don't have to explain. It’s okay.”

It felt weird to hear him say that. Nothing was okay. In my fabricated life of lies, hurt, and betrayal, nothing ever had been okay. Now, a man who had been out of my life for so many years was telling me everything was okay. My anger just flared more then ever, and I found that I could not stop myself from once again shouting at him.

“Okay?!?!” What part of any of this is okay? I don't know why I am here, what I am going to do next, or how anything could ever be okay. Nothing makes sense. It is not okay!”

After my outburst, I stood there with angry eyes, just seething, but he did not say a single word to defend himself. I expected him to say something in his defense. Instead, he agreed with me.

“You’re right. This is not okay. After you and your mother left, nothing in my life was okay. I lost the two most important people in my life, how could that be okay? I asked myself that everyday, but no matter how much I questioned my life, I couldn’t do anything about it. I just couldn't. You just have to trust me.”

“All I want to do is simply believe what you are saying to me, that you really did love me and you still do. But do you know how many times I screamed for you—out-loud and in my soul? All I wanted was for you to hear me and come looking. I held onto that dream, that you really did care—“

“Sydney,” he broke in. “Please, just believe everything I've told you.”

“See, I want nothing more to believe you, to just trust. To ignore everything I was told by Mom, all those lies. But she was there for me. When I fell, she picked me up. When I cried, she rocked me to sleep, and you weren’t there for any of it. Nothing at all. You were my hero, and then you were gone. I want to believe you, but in order for me to do that, I need to have one question answered. Where were you?”

My eyes dared him to tell me the truth. That is all I wanted to hear from him. In order for a relationship restart between us, I needed to be able to trust him. I couldn’t trust lies and secrets.

Nevertheless, I had trusted deceit hadn’t I? Everything I had trusted before was a lie. That was different though, because I couldn’t understand then. I’m smarter now. I am nobody’s fool and I refuse to be used again.

“Sydney,” he began. “I cannot tell you, not now. I know that all you want from me right now is an explanation. I hope that you might simply settle for my love. Right now, it’s all I have to offer.”

“You’ll have to work on something more than that then, won’t you?” I asked coldly.

“Young lady, you are in no position to be demanding things of anyone, and you will not speak to me like that. Do you understand me?”

“But I’m the only person who can help the CIA right now. True, you may be able to receive the intel you need eventually, but you could get it from me right now.”

As I looked at him, I thought I could see a slight glimmer in his eyes. What emotion it was, I couldn’t begin to guess. All the same, it was there.

Michael cleared his throat, reminding me that my father and I weren’t alone in the room. “Jack, it’s getting late. Sydney is probably tired, and I suspect that you are too. I should probably be going now.”

Until he had said that, I hadn’t realized how tired I really was, or how much my initial instinct to hide had grown. I now wanted to simply go somewhere to get away from the world. The rain was falling on me, and I did not know if I wanted to be swept away, become as one with the mud, or if I wanted to find some sort of shelter.

“Where am I staying tonight?” I asked.

“Here with me. There’s a spare room down the hall,” Dad said, the decision made without asking my preference.

“All right. I want to go to bed now. Which room is it?”

“Third door on the left, right down that hall.”

“Okay,” I said as I began to walk down the hallway. I had a sudden thought, and turned. “You may want to begin your search for Mom in Teikovo. That’s where her headquarters have been since I left with her.”

Then I continued down the hall, opened the door, and prepared for bed. I hoped that this night would give me a long rest and some good dreams.

~Vaughn’s POV~

“Wow,” I heard Jack whisper as we watched Sydney’s retreating back.

“What?” I asked him.

“She is definitely my daughter.” The pride in his voice said more than he would ever admit to, and I knew she would be okay. They may not trust each other for quite some time, but he would still love her. She needed someone to.

I smiled at him and in a positive voice told him, “She sure does seem like it doesn’t she. No matter how long she was kept away from you, she still has your best qualities. She’s definitely a Bristow.”

He smiled back and nodded his thanks for my simple reassurance. “Goodnight, Jack. I’ll come back over tomorrow morning around 10:30 or so, okay?”

“All right. Thank you, Michael. Goodnight.” With a smile on my face and a new sense of hope I left the Bristows without another word.
that was great!!! so much emotion and istead of calling me xoxilovevaughnxox you can call me Chanel. Ur such a great writer... i cant wait for more!
Mel & Chanel Thanks so much for replying so quickly! :smiley: I'm so happy that someone besides Kristin likes this (even though I do love her...). I'll post more tom. :smiley:
A/N: long we go! Enjoy :smiley:

Chapter 7

The next two weeks passed in relative calm for Jack and Sydney. Jack spent as much time with his daughter as possible. Her sense of trust in him was growing with each passing day. Jack was more relieved than he wanted to admit to find Sydney now feeling comfortable opening up to him more easily.

Sydney did still harbor bad feelings about the fact that her father wouldn't explain his reason for not coming to bring her back home. She was, however, coming to accept that she wasn't going to find out yet. She'd gotten to the point that she was just glad to be home, and getting to know her father again.

At the moment, Sydney was sitting awake in her room, even though it was nearly 4 am. She'd awakened nearly forty-five minutes ago, and was unable to get back to sleep. Finally, she gave up trying, getting out of bed to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When Sydney came out into the living room, she was surprised to find her father asleep on the couch. She smiled to herself, gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, then turned to go into the kitchen. As she stood there moments later, glass in hand, her father began talking in his sleep.

“You can't mean that! How could you want to kill your own daughter? What kind of mother are you?"

Sydney nearly dropped her glass on the floor, but managed to place it on the countertop before fleeing back to her room. She stood perfectly still for a minute or two, trying to gather her racing thoughts enough to decide what to do next. She quickly got out of her pajamas and into her clothes, then went to look up Vaughn's number in the phone book. She was relieved to find it was listed. She wasted no time in picking up the phone and dialing it. The phone rang a handful of times, then was picked up. "Hello?"


“Sydney? What is it, you sound upset."

“I am. I can't talk about it on the phone. Can I come there instead?"

"Of course you can." He gave Sydney his address and directions of how to get there. She set off on foot as soon as she'd hung up the phone.

On the way to Michael's house, Sydney had a lot of time to think. She didn't want to believe that what her father said was true. Deep down, she knew it was. It explained everything. Why Sydney had often had doubts about her mother's love. Why the mention of her father's name had caused so much anger and hatred to flash in her mother's eyes. Most of all, it explained why Jack himself had resisted telling her the truth. Sydney knew he'd tried to keep this from her because it would be very shocking to her.

Even with everything that had happened, Sydney had held on to the belief that her mother loved her, deep down. Now, any illusion of that was broken. Her mother had hated her, too. Enough to want to kill her rather than let her daddy take her back home where she belonged.

Sydney began to cry then, as she thought about what might happen when her mother was brought back to the United States. Sydney had no doubt it would happen. Just three weeks ago, she would have been relieved to see her, and would have wanted to go back to Russia with her. Now, she was terrified at the thought of seeing her mother again. Would she try to kill her now, because she'd been reunited with her father? Would she be forced to go back to Russia?

There were no answers for these questions racing around in Sydney's head, of course. Her mind was going in five directions at once. All she really knew was that she'd never been so frightened in her life, not even when she had first been taken away from her father. Thankfully, she had at last arrived at Michael's door. She knocked softly and waited. The door almost immediately opened.

Michael frowned when he saw that Sydney was crying. "Please, come in," he whispered gently.

She entered silently, wrapping her arms around herself. She stood just inside the door until Michael invited her to take a seat on the couch. She did, not looking him in the eyes.

"Now, please tell me. What happened?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I went out to the kitchen for a glass of water. Dad was asleep on the couch in the living room. He started talking in his sleep. He said... that Mom threatened to kill me if he tried to come take me home. I know it must be true, this is why he's been trying not to tell me why he never came for me. What did I ever do to her to deserve her wanting to kill me?" She began to cry harder now.

"You didn't do anything, Sydney. You were only a little girl. I think that... that she hated your father so much, she would have done anything to keep you from him. That's just a guess. Maybe one day you can ask her yourself."

Sydney shuddered, curling up on the end of the couch. "I hope I never have to see or talk to her again. She can't make me leave my father, either. Not again. She can try, but I won't go. I won't..." The rest of what Sydney said was lost in tears.

"Sydney, why don't I go call your father? The two of you need to talk about this."

"No, please, not yet. It's early, and he hasn't been sleeping well lately. I don't want to wake him. I shouldn't have come here either, and bothered you. I should go now."

"No, you shouldn't go anywhere. The last thing you need is to be alone. I'll stay up with you, until you feel better." Michael hesitated for a brief moment, then hugged Sydney tightly. She returned it, feeling extremely glad that she had a friend she could confide in.


Jack awoke shortly after five. He had no idea what had awakened him so early. He rarely rose at such an hour, even when he had to work.

His first impulse was to look in on Sydney. She tended to have bad dreams on and off all night. When he opened her door just enough to peek inside, he found her bed was empty. His heart rose into his throat at the sight of it.

‘No, not again,' he thought. 'Sydney, where are you?'

As the possibilities of where Sydney could be-or how she came to be there-raced through Jack's mind, his worry mounted. His expertise in strategies barely helped him to control his growing panic. The little resolve that he had accomplished to hold on to almost disappeared when the phone rang.

Please let it be Sydney.


"Sir, we have Derevko in custody and are en route to L.A. now. Kendall wants you to come to headquarters to talk to her. Our ETA is three and a half hours."

"Irina Derevko was captured that easily?" He found that hard to believe, his voice made that clearly evident.

"She didn't go without a fight. We, uh, lost one man, sir."

"I'll call Vaughn. We'll be there."

"Actually, I was just getting ready to call him myself, so-"

"I will call him."

With that, Jack hung up his phone and picked up his cell phone-his secure line-and held it as he sat down. He had just gotten Sydney back and now she was gone. But now, Laura was back. Only she was no longer the person he knew-or thought he knew. She was now a greater threat then ever before.

He would not let her get to Sydney. All the years he had missed with her needed to be made up. His little girl was missing again. This time, he was not going to let her suffer alone. He couldn't stop what she was remembering, but he was going to help her the best he could. He would find her and bring her home safely. Irina would never stand in his way again.


Vaughn sighed as he looked at Sydney's sleeping form on the couch. He stood, picking up a blanket and gently placed it over her. All she really needed right now was someone to reassure her that she would be okay. It felt good to know that she trusted him enough to talk to him.

It was almost 5:30. He felt that he needed to stay and watch her and be there when she woke up. However, he knew he had an hour before he needed to begin getting ready for work. He could certainly use the sleep.

So, he decided to do both. Grabbing another blanket, he settled in on the chair across from the couch where Sydney lay. Sleep was winning fast, not that there was much of a struggle. Michael shifted one last time and then welcomed sleep with open arms. At that inopportune moment, however, his phone rang. Groaning, he stood and walked across the room.


"We have a situation," Jack Bristow's voice told him.

Right away, Michael's thoughts flew to the person sleeping on his couch. From what she had told him, he didn't think Jack knew Sydney was there.

Bracing himself for the worst, he replied, "What's going on?"

"They have Derevko in custody. They want us at headquarters in about three hours."

Michael took a deep breath. "That took less time then anyone thought it would."

"The intel that Sydney gave us was very accurate. They knew where to look."

"What about Sydney?" Vaughn asked, curious to hear what Jack would say.

"That's one reason I'm calling you now. Sydney's gone. I don't know if she left on her own, or if she went with someone. There's no sign of a break in. Plus, I think I would have heard something, and would have woken up."

"Okay. I think that you should come over here," Vaughn said as he glanced over at Sydney.

"I need you to help me find her. We don't have much time."

"I will. Just come over."

"Fine. I'm on my way."

"And Jack," he began.


"You'll find her."

"I sure hope so."

After setting the phone back down on the counter, he walked back over to the chair and sat down. He had no idea what had possessed him not to tell Jack that Sydney was over at his place, he simply hadn't. Whatever happened now happened. He couldn't prevent it. Irina was back in the picture now. She would try to ruin more of Jack and Sydney's life. But one thing was sure, he certainly wasn't going to let her get close enough to him to ruin his again. If he knew anything at all about Jack Bristow, she wouldn't be let into Jack or Sydney's life again either.

A sudden noise disrupted his private musings. As he swiftly looked up, he noticed Sydney staring at him. Her eyes were still red rimmed and she looked tired, yet she managed a small smile that he returned.

"Hey. What time is it?"

"Almost six. Are you all right?"

"I guess so. My dad is probably worried."

"Oh, he's near panic, but he won't admit that."

"What do you mean?"

"He's on his way over here. He, um. doesn't know you are here."

"Oh. So he called you because he couldn't find me?"

"Yes, and something else."


"Do you want me to tell you, or do you want to wait for him to tell you?"

"Is this something I should know? Because I want to know what's going on."

"You should know, you need to know. Sooner or later, you will know. The question is, should I be the one to tell you."

With a sigh of impatience, she buried her head in a pillow, which muffled her frustrated scream. She lifted her head and looked at him.

"Did you just scream?" He asked.

"Yes. When I was little, I used to do that all the time, so that mom wouldn't hear me. If did hear me, she figured I was being bad, and I got in trouble. I-" the look on Michael's face when she mentioned her mother made her stop her explanation. "Tell me, please," she faintly whispered.

"It's your mom."

Fear was highly noticeable in her eyes, and he hated seeing it there.

"What about her?"

"They have her in custody. She'll be in L.A. today."

She stared blankly at him for a few seconds before his words sunk in. Shock, disbelief, as well as fear showed in her eyes.

"Syd? Sydney?"

"No," came the whispered reply.


"No!" Her soft tone was now gone. "Not again. I'm not going this time, and she can't do anything to make me!"

"No one's going to make you go anywhere. She's going to be locked up. She can't get to you."

His words fell on deaf ears however, and Sydney stood and ran. She didn't know the layout of his apartment, but she still managed to find the small bathroom and lock herself in it before he could catch her. He knocked softly on the door, but to no avail.

"Sydney? Please open the door."

The only response he got from her was loud sobbing that came through the closed door. He couldn't even imagine what was going through her mind. After everything her mother had done, she had a reasonable right to be afraid.

Loud banging on the front door interrupted his thoughts. By the rapid rhythm of the knocking, he had a good guess as to who it was. When he opened the door, saw the panic ridden face, his suspicions were confirmed. Jack Bristow was at his door, and Vaughn still had no explanation as to why he hadn't told him Sydney was there. But there wasn't any time for that now.

"Come in Jack."

"We have to find Sydney. Now."

"She's here."

"What? Has she been here the whole time?"

"Pretty much, yeah. Come in, and I'll explain."

They walked in, and Vaughn continued down the hallway. He knocked on the door.


There was still no reply, but her crying was quieter and less noticeable now.

"Why is she in there?" Jack's questions just kept coming.

"She knows about Irina."

"What about her? That she's here?"

"Yes, and what she did. Sydney heard you talking in your sleep. She knows why you didn't come. That's why she's here."

Jack didn't offer any reply, or excuse. With his silence, Vaughn once again knocked on the bathroom door.

"Syd, are you okay? Your dad is here. I think you should talk with him."

"I can't right now. I don't want to talk with anyone."

"Will you come out and listen, then? I have a story to tell you that you might want to hear."

"About what?"

"My dad. Something that you don't know."

"I don't know anything about your dad." The door opened and a tear stained face peered out at him. "Why should I know anything?"

"I think it will help you understand something a little bit more."

He looked to Jack for help, and with his short nod, he knew that the story he wanted to tell her was known by both of them. He held out his hand for her to take. When she hesitantly took it, a little hope grew. As she stepped out of the bathroom, she looked directly at Jack.

"I'm sorry I left. I heard you talking, and.... I guess I just got scared. I'm sorry I pressured you to tell me why you didn't come. I understand why you didn't tell me. Thanks for trying to protect me," as she said this, she broke away from Vaughn's hand and gave him a hug. The tears started to fall again. "Thank you, Daddy," she whispered in his ear.

"I love you, Sydney. Never forget that."

As she broke the hug, she turned and looked at Vaughn.

"You were going to tell me about your dad? Will I get to meet him?" As she watched his face fall, she knew she had made a mistake. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that."

"It's okay, you didn't know. Actually, I was going to tell you about that, if you still want to hear it."

"About how he died?" She questioned blatantly.

"Yes, if you're sure you want to know."

"I would like to, if you don't mind. But if you don't want to, you don't have to."

"Sydney, are you sure?" Jack voiced his concern.

"Yes. Please?" Was her reply.

"Okay," Vaughn began. "My dad worked for the CIA. He had since before I was
born. He was recruited out of college. When I was 13, his best friend's daughter was kidnapped. Dad had worked with this man for almost as long as he had been with the CIA, and they were pretty close. I knew him, and had even met his daughter a few times. She was younger then me, very cute and so sweet. She could make anyone smile. I could tell that her dad really loved her a lot, even though I was only around them together a few times.

"When she disappeared, the man was devastated. My dad couldn't stand to see him like that, and decided to do something about it. After they had found the girl's location, he knew he needed to go. So, he went after her. He was so close, but before he could make it to her, they caught him."

" 'They'?"

"Yeah, 'they'-the people who worked for the kidnapper. The kidnapper was the girl's mother. She killed my father."

He looked up at Sydney, and with a few silent tears rolling down his cheeks told her, "He tried, Syd. He tried so hard. I'm so sorry that he didn't make it, I really am."

"What do you mean?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she realized what he was trying to tell her.

"Oh, Michael, no. He died because of me, didn't he? It's all my fault your dad isn't here. I'm so sorry," she cried. "How can you stand to look at me, or even talk to me?"

"Because it wasn't you that killed him. It was not your fault, Syd. I didn't want him to go. In fact, I begged him not to. He told me he had to go because he cared. So I guess 'love covers all sins'."

"I'm still so sorry," she whispered.

Turning to look at her father, anger and determination were evident and clear in her eyes. With a no nonsense tone, she fiercely told him, "I want to talk to her."

"Who?" Jack questioned, truly baffled.

"Mom. I want to talk to her."
<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter 8</span>

Jack sat in shocked silence for over a minute.

"Sydney, are you sure? She's put you through so much already. Who knows what she might say."

"Dad, all she can do is talk. I won't be convinced by anything she says anymore. I need to talk to her about what she did to me, and to Michael. She won't be able to hurt me this time, Dad."

"We can't be sure of that, Sydney. Your mother has her ways. You of all people should know that."

"I do. Dad, you think she's going to talk me into going back to Russia, don't you? I promise, I won't let her convince me of anything."

"I know you won't, at least not on purpose. It's not you I don't trust. Your mother has always felt ... inadequate, and inferior. Now that you're here with me again, and she's trapped in that cell, I can't be sure what she might say. Her anger and fear might be out of control. I understand, though, why you need to see her. I can't let you go in there alone, though."

"Then you can come with me. I'd like Michael to come too, but..."

Michael looked her directly in the eyes as he answered. "I'll be there, right outside the room. I'm not ready to go in there yet, but as soon as you come out, we can talk." His voice was very soft and sincere. He was rewarded with a smile from Sydney. Then, she turned serious again.

"Michael, do you have any pictures of your father? I don't actually remember him, but he did try to rescue me, and..."

"I understand. I'll be right back."

Sydney sat in uncomfortable silence at first. Then, "Dad, are you nervous about seeing her again?"

"No, at least not for myself. Only for you. If she tries to hurt you..."

"I just need to go, Dad. It will be all right. I'm scared, I admit that. But I won't be alone. It will be all right. After I see her, we can both move on with our lives. If you don't want me to stay with you anymore, I can stay at a hotel, or something, maybe...."

"I want you to stay with me. It's your choice though, of course."

"I'm staying, Dad. I like being there with you."

Jack only smiled, as Vaughn returned. He silently held a picture out to Sydney, and she took it. She looked at it for a long time, then started to cry a little.

"Would it be all right if I took this with me? I think I'd like to have it, while I talk to ... to her."

"Of course you can. We should all get ready now. Do the two of you need to go home first, to change or anything?"

"I suppose we should," Sydney answered. "I'll see you later, Michael."

Just moments later, Jack and Sydney left for home. Once there, they both showered, changed, and had breakfast. Then they set out for the CIA building. Though they were there ahead of the appointed time of 8:30, Michael was already waiting as well. Jack approached him hesitantly.

"Is she here yet?"

"I think so. Several other agents just went to the holding area. They must be making sure she's shackled and locked in well enough. They should be back soon."

Jack nodded and wandered off, lost in his own thoughts. Michael now approached Sydney, who was already pacing quickly.

"Sydney, are you sure that you want to do this? You seem really afraid."

"I am. But I need to do this. For me, you and your dad. I want to make it clear to my mother that she's not going to control my life anymore."

"I'm sure you'll do just that, too. If you'd like me to go with you to see her, I will. I can find a way to manage."

She smiled gently. "I'd like that, but I can't ask you to. After what she did to your family.... I'll talk to you when I come out, Michael. Dad will be there to help, I'll be all right. Thank you for the offer, though."

"You're welcome. I'll be right outside. If you change your mind, just call."

Sydney opened her mouth to say she would, when Agent Kendall walked into the room. He looked directly at Sydney.

"She's ready to see you now. She should talk to you, considering how much you have in common."

Sydney's eyes blazed as she replied. "Not as much as you think, Agent Kendall. I was her victim too, once. I'm not anymore. I'm not here to help her ... or you. I'm here to find my own peace of mind. Now, I'd like to see her, if you'd move out of my way."

Kendall glared, but stepped aside. Jack followed immediately behind Sydney as they made their way down the hall to the heavy metal door that was the entrance to Irina’s cell. He was saddened, but not surprised, to find her reaching for his hand as they were about to enter.

"Sydney, you don't have to do this. I can go deal with her. You can stay here with Michael."

"No, Dad. I want to do this. To deal with what she did and move on with my life. I'll be all right. Please, let's get it over with."

Jack sighed, but nodded. Then, they entered. Upon seeing Sydney, Irina stood up and moved closer to the bars keeping them apart.

"You did come. I hoped you would. You know I don't belong here, Sasha. I've done nothing to deserve treatment like this!"

Sydney met her mother's eyes, her gaze unreadable.

"Yes, you have, Mother. I remember things now. Things you hoped I'd never remember again."

Irina’s eyes showed raw fear, which she quickly covered up. "Like what?" She said calmly.

"My name not being Sasha for one. My name is Sydney Anne Bristow. Also what it was like when you took me away, and especially that day you left me all alone. At the train station. I'm sure you remember that, don't you? You were probably proud of yourself for being able to do it, weren't you?"

Sydney squeezed her father's hand while she waited for Irina’s reply. She smirked as she answered. "Yes, in a way. But I was even more proud of you, how you handled yourself. That's when I really knew that you would be the perfect sort of person to work for me, as I'd hoped. Resourceful, independent, and intelligent. And your ability to hide your emotions always helped, too."

"Stop trying to give me backhand compliments! You used me, that's all. You wanted me to yourself, to use me for your own ends. I was so young ... all I ever wanted was for you to love me, you know. No matter what I did, it was never good enough. Now, I don't care what you think of me. Because I don't love you. Not anymore. I can't after what you did to me. And to Mr. Vaughn. I'm sure you remember him, right?"

“Vaughn. Hmm…no. I don't remember any Vaughns. Sorry Sweetheart. Maybe—“

“Do not refer to me like that. I'm sick of your lies. You know full well who I am talking about. William Vaughn. He worked with Dad, was one of his best friends. He tried to save me from you. You took away two children's fathers in less then six months. Both of us needed our dads, but that didn't fit with your plans. So you stole them from us.”

She had dropped Jack's hand and was closer to the glass that was separating her from Irina. Her eyes were burning with anger as she made her accusations, but that didn't seem to phase the calm front that Irina was showing.

“ ‘Us’? Sydney, who are you talking about?”

“Michael and I, although I highly doubt we are the only ones. You took the most important people in the world away from us. Why? What benefit did you receive from any of this?”

“I did it for you, Sydney. I was always looking out for your best interest,” she said with innocence that no one in the room believed, Sydney especially.

“Was it in my best interests to leave me alone at the train station? Or to take me away from my father?”

“I had to protect you.”

“From what? I was safe and happy, and you ripped all that away.”

“Just trust me.”

“I can't believe you can even ask me to do that. I will never trust you again. I just can't.” She took Jack's hand and held on tightly.

With Sydney's admission, Irina glared directly at Jack. “How many lies like that have you given her?”

Jack remained silent, but didn't break eye contact. Instead, he returned the intense glare. Sydney however was not going to let her get away with that.

“The only lies that have been told have come from your mouth. Don't you dare accuse him of one of your crimes. You took me away from him once, there is nothing you can do to take him from me again.”

“You didn't need him. He wasn't there for you anyway. Work always got in the way.”

“That is a judgment call that you had no right to make. After we left, everything got in between you and I. Once again you are accusing him of one of your crimes.”

“But I loved you,” Irina whispered. “I still do, I always did.”

“No, you didn't. I only wanted to be loved by you. But no matter how hard I tried to do things right, so you would love me, you never even showed you cared. That's all I ever needed. All I wanted. But now, I don't need you at all. I will walk out that door and you will be out of my life.”

“Do you really think so? Can you honestly tell me you will walk out that door and forget everything?”

“It might take awhile, but I will. I'll be all right. I've collected my missing pieces. I have my Daddy back.”

Syd looked over at Jack and gave him a genuine smile. It did not last long however because Irina’s voice broke through the shallow barrier that Sydney had built around her.

“How do you know you can trust him?” She asked.

“I have to give him a chance,” came Sydney's soft reply.

“Don't I get a chance then?”

“You've had a few chances too many.”

Irina’s POV

This wasn't going as I had planned. Since when had Sydney grown that courage, the ability to stand up to me? She had the same confidence and calm front as her father. That made me sick—her being like him. She wasn't going to walk away with the last words. I had one more stone to throw.

As Sydney and Jack turned and began walking for the door, I threw in, “I didn't know your goal was to run away. Remember what happened the last time you tried to pull that stunt with me?”

When Sydney stopped suddenly, I knew my point had been made. She slowly turned and faced me. The look in her eyes was unreadable and I decided to drive my point a little more.

“Remember how cold it was? All that snow? I don't know what you were thinking, you foolish girl.”

Pain was now evident in her eyes. She knew what I was referring to. Her breathing became shallow and she seemed to be having a hard time catching her breath.

“No,” she shook her head. “Daddy? Where are you?” She asked.

Before another word could be spoken she started to sway forward. Jack rushed to her side and caught her before she could fall. He gently cradled her as he knelt.

“Sydney, what's wrong? Come on, talk to me.”

“I just wanted everything to be…OK. I wanted it perfect. More like…home. I wasn't doing anything wrong, I was being a good girl. I promise Daddy, I was. I wanted it to be right,” she cried softly.

She kept repeating herself, and I knew none of it made sense to Jack. That made me laugh out loud.

His glare turned quickly from worry to anger as he looked at me. “What have you done to my daughter now?” He growled.

I gave another laugh. “I had to teach her what happened to little girls when they were bad. Maybe this time she'll learn.”

He stood and gently lifted Sydney into his arms. She was coughing and wheezing, her look glazed and confused. After whispering a few comforting words to her that I could not hear, he turned and looked at me again.

“If she's not okay, I will hold you responsible. You will never be comfortable again, I promise you that.”

With Sydney's body gathered in his arms, her head on his shoulder, he walked out of the cell, never turning back. He really was quite pathetic. Was his threat supposed to frighten me?

One thing was for sure though, Jack Bristow was acting like a father for once, not letting anything get in the way of his emotions. I hadn't seen that in so long. Since right after Sydney was born. Work got in the way too often. Now that he was actually trying, I may have to be more careful.
that's sad...I wouldn't want you to die just for you ;)

A/N:what is in italics is a flashback...
<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Chapter 9</span>

Sydney looked up at the grey sky and frowned. It was starting to snow, and she knew she needed to find their little tree soon and go back to the house. She could ask her Mommy to come cut it down as soon as the snow stopped. Sydney had thought to bring a bright piece of ribbon with her to tie to the tree. That way, when they came back out it would be easier to find.

This had been all Sydney's idea, coming out to find a Christmas tree. Her Mommy had told her the holiday was coming soon, but they had no decorations at all in the house. Remembering how happy her mother had always been when it came time to decorate, Sydney had decided to find their very own tree. Her Mommy had been either sad or angry most days lately, and Sydney hoped holiday things would cheer her up.

Still, she'd been walking for a long time now, and hadn't found a tree. It had to be just the right one. The house was smaller than the home they had left, and the only trees Sydney had liked so far seemed too large to her. She was getting very cold, and knew she should go in soon. She just couldn't bring herself to go back until she found the perfect one. Imagining the happiness in her mother's eyes was all she needed to keep going. Sydney knew she'd finally found a way to please her mother. She wasn't going to let it go by.

After walking for a while longer, how long she couldn't tell, Sydney began to shiver. The snow was coming harder now, making it more difficult to see. Her little legs were getting very tired, too. She wanted to turn back toward the house, but knew she'd make her Mommy angry if she came back without having found the tree. She couldn't bear to have her Mommy angry at her again right now.

Finally, Sydney was so cold that she had no more will or energy to walk, and collapsed where she was, into the snow. Slowly, her eyes closed from exhaustion, and she began to cry.

"Mommy..." she called in a voice barely above a whisper.


When Sydney at last woke up again, the first thing she saw was her mother's face. When she saw Sydney was awake, she smiled. "You're finally awake. I've been so worried! How do you feel, sweetheart?"

"Cold. I was walking, in the snow. How did I get here?"

"I found you, outside. I brought you in and called the doctor. He wasn't sure what might happen ... he'll be so happy when I call him. Are you hungry, darling? I can make you anything you want."

"No, thank you. Mommy, aren't you going to yell at me? For going out alone, or speaking English? You always seem mad at me now."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm not going to yell, I promise." Her mommy smiled again, and this time Sydney saw a shadow of anger in her eyes. She began to cry.

"You are too mad at me. I see it. Every time when you're mad your eyes look funny. I just saw you looking like that. Please don't yell anymore. I wasn't being bad. I only wanted to find us a Christmas tree..." Sydney couldn't talk anymore, she was crying too hard.

Her mommy came over and picked her up, kissing her forehead softly. Then, they left Sydney's bedroom and began walking down the hall. "Mommy, where are we going? I don't want to go back out in the snow!"

"Sydney, you don't have to. You're going to stay nice and warm right here. I have something to show you."

"Mommy, you're calling me by my real name. I thought you wanted to call me..."

Sydney's words died in her throat as they walked into the living room. It took her a moment to realize what she was seeing.

"Oh, Mommy! It's our tree ... our very own tree! How did it get here??"

"I went out and found one, just the right size. I thought you would like it. Do you?"

"Oh yes! It's so pretty. Thank you, Mommy. This is just what I wanted." Sydney suddenly shivered and snuggled closer to her mother.

"Time to get you back to bed now. I can bring you some nice warm soup. You should feel much better then."

"May I stay here, please? I'll use lots of blankets. I just want to stay by the tree."

Soon, Sydney was settled on the living room couch under a heap of blankets. Even then, she shivered off and on. Her mother talked her into eating, but a half-bowl of soup was all she could manage. Then she pushed her bowl aside, yawned, and shivered once.

"I'm so sleepy. You'll still be here when I wake up, won't you, Mommy?"

"Of course I will, sweetheart. You just rest now. I can sing you a song to help you off to sleep, if you'd like."

Sydney was surprised by this, but happy too. "Yes, please. It doesn't matter what you sing. Anything will sound so pretty."

Sydney snuggled deeper into her blankets, looking past the new tree to gaze out the window as she drifted off. As her eyes closed just moments later, she noticed it had started snowing again. She was so happy to be inside, where she was safe. Her mommy was taking care of her. In that moment, for the first time in months, Sydney felt loved. She snuggled closer to her mother, who was seated on the edge of the couch. Very softly, she whispered, "I love you...."

Then, she was asleep.

When Sydney woke again, she felt very warm indeed. Her mommy was still sitting beside her, and she smiled when Sydney opened her eyes. The smile seemed too big, even to someone as young as Sydney. Like a pretend smile.

"Hi, Mommy. I feel really hot. Do I have to keep all these blankets on?"

"I can take some off for a while." She did, quickly. "There, is that better?"

"Yes. Has the doctor come back yet? You said he was here before."

"He was, but he wasn't sure when he'd be back, really..."

Sydney got a very sudden, strong impression that her mother was lying.

"Did the doctor really come here?" She asked, in a very adult voice.

"Of course he did! You were practically frozen, I had to call someone. Things got so out of hand. I never meant for you..."

Her words trailed off, but Sydney had gotten the point. She was young, but extremely intelligent. She knew what her mother meant.

"You knew I went out there, didn't you Mommy? You knew, but you waited to come and get me."

The look of plain surprise on her mother's face told Sydney she'd uncovered the truth ... and that her mother had never expected her to figure it out. She wanted to get angry, scream and yell until she was hoarse. But she didn't. Instead, she began to cry. Silent, excruciating tears that even her mother couldn't ignore. At last, she spoke.

"You'll never really love me, will you, Mommy? I try so hard to be a good girl, but you always want to hurt me. Why do you hate me??"

"I don't. I love you, Sydney. I've made mistakes, but I'm just trying to teach you things. This is our life now. You need to learn to be like other children here. Speaking Russian, first of all. For months I've tried teaching you, and you've fought me the entire time! So, when I saw you leave, I just watched you, out the window. Soon I couldn't see you anymore, and it started snowing. When you didn't come back in about twenty minutes or so, I went to find you. You were so cold...... I feared I had waited too long. I was so afraid that you..."

It took Sydney a long time to reply. Her voice was drenched in fear when she did. "I'll learn anything you want me to, Mommy. I really will! I'll never be bad again. Just don't hurt me anymore. Please!"


Jack sat staring at his daughter's flushed face. The warm hand he was holding shook. She had been sick for three days, since she had seen Irina. He knew her comments had caused this effect on Sydney, but he didn't know what they meant or how they could have caused the situation that was playing itself out.

At first, Sydney had had just a slight fever and her breathing had been short. As the fever began to rise, however, Jack, as well as Vaughn, became more worried with her state. Jack had called many CIA doctors, all the best, and they had come and examined Sydney, but they couldn't figure out what it was that caused her condition.

She sat and stared at the wall across from her, not acknowledging anyone. Often silent tears rolled down her face, but she didn't even attempt to wipe them off, she just continued to stare. She wouldn't eat, which caused the doctors to fear she would only continue to get worse. So, to make sure she got the nutrients she needed, they gave her an IV. Still, her condition continued to decline.

At the moment, she was asleep. Every time Jack heard her weak, shallow breaths he was less and less at ease. He didn't know what to do. He had just gotten her back and now he felt as if he was losing her. Irina took her from him once, he refused to let her do that again. He needed to know what Irina had done. He was determined to get answers.

He picked up his phone and without taking his eyes of Sydney's sleeping form, he dialed Vaughn's cell, and asked him to come sit with Sydney. They had made an agreement that she would never be without one of them there in case something happened.

In less the fifteen minutes, Vaughn was at his door, with a worried look on his face. It was clear that he wanted to know what was going on, but Jack did not offer any information as to what he was going to do.

“Ill be back soon. It shouldn't take me too long,” Jack said as he hesitantly gazed back at Sydney, doubting that he should be leaving her for any amount of time.

“Go. Do what you need to do and come back. She'll be okay. I promise I won't let anything happen to her,” Vaughn responded to his glance, knowing what he was thinking.

Jack silently nodded, knowing he could trust Vaughn. He walked to his car, and took one last look back, still hesitant to leave. But he knew he needed to find some answers, and it was for Sydney he was doing this. There was no way he would go in there if it wasn't for Sydney's sake. He climbed into his car and sped away, planning what he was going to say to Irina when he got there.


Jack prepared himself for what he knew would be one of the hardest things he had ever done. He watched the bars rise before him and took a deep breath. He knew what he needed to do, and how he was going to do it. But as soon as he saw Irina sitting on the floor with her eyes closed, doing some sort of meditation, everything he had planned left him and he was full of anger.

The woman was sitting there as if nothing was wrong, that she had not done a single thing. Sydney was sick, and she did not care. The fire in Jack's eyes only became more intense when Irina, without opening her eyes said, “I wondered how long it would take you to come back.”

She smiled devilishly and opened her eyes. Some unregistered emotion flared in her eyes for a small second. Her voice changed from one of superiority to one of annoyance.

“Jack, what do you want? You can't hide Sydney from me, you know. Eventually she'll come running back. You see, I'm the only parent she's known for so long. All she remembers of you is someone who was never there for her. She asked after you for quite some time after we left, she felt abandoned by you. I was surprised that you didn't come after her yourself.”

“And leave her life in danger? You had threatened--no promised--me that you would kill her if I tried. I was not about to put her life in danger anymore then it already was by being with you.”

“She's my daughter, too. I wouldn't let anything hurt her. Not you, or this country. I was protecting her.”

“The only thing she ever needed protection from was you.”

“Sydney had me to protect her, which is more then she'll ever be able to say about you. She was abandoned by you, after all.”

“No. No, she was taken from me. By my wife. I finally got my daughter back, and now, I'm going to protect her from you.”

“I'm still your wife. You do know that don't you?”

“No, you're not my wife. My wife died 21 years ago. I don't know you. All I know about you is that you are the most evil, despicable woman I have ever heard of. You've hurt Sydney for the last time. I promise you that.”

“I thought you said Sydney was safe now,” Irina retorted, but something glistened in her eyes. Jack couldn't quite place what it was.

“She was until she saw you again. I want to know--demand to know--what you did to her.”

“I haven't seen her for months, how could I have possibly have done something to her? She's been with you. Unless you lost her again,” she challenged.

Jack's voice rose with his reply, “I never did lose her! She was stolen. There's a difference there. You said something to her when she came to see you. It caused…a quite profound damage. The doctors…” his voice cracked, “they can't figure out what is wrong with her. It's pretty bad,” his intense glare returned. “What did you do to my daughter?”

“What I did? It's what she did to herself. I didn't force her to…”

“To what?” Jack demanded. “What happened.”

Irina smirked at his reaction. She had another thing to hold over his head, and she knew it. “You actually want to know. Actually care? I find that hard to believe. But then again you do need to catch up on quite a few years, don't you, Hun?”

“Do not play your games with me. What ever you did, it was serious enough. I need to know what it was so I can help my daughter.”

Knowing Jack Bristow could be an incredible actor, Irina didn't fully believe him. She wasn't going to come outright and tell him everything. That would be foolish.

“What's wrong with her?” she asked. “What are her symptoms?”

“She's having trouble breathing, isn't responding to anyone, and has a high fever. She won't eat-“ he stopped at the look on Irina’s face. When he had began listing off Sydney's symptoms, her entire demeanor changed. “What?”

“It's what happened before,” she whispered.

“What do you mean?” he demanded.

“I need to see her.”

“That's out of the question. She can't be moved right now and besides that, I will never let you speak to her again. Not after what you've done.”

“I can help, Jack,” she said. “I want to help her.”
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im going to have a cow ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please post more soon